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Tweaks,No depth of field and reduced bloom andPedestrians don't jump or run away as quickly then before now, when driving towards them.
- 505KB
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Tweaks,No depth of field and reduced bloom andPedestrians don't jump or run away as quickly then before now, when driving towards them.
Summer Weather Skies From Old Time Reality Mod For Friends For Life
This mod brings the summer weather skies of "Old Time Reality Mod" to the Friends for Life DLC. It comprises only the "skies" folder. Side note: "Old Time Reality Mod" is a huge mod, and developed by QTmodz for the original game. I had selected the files from different versions of this mod and applied them for the Friends for Life mod.
- 126.5MB
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Summer Weather Skies From Old Time Reality Mod For Friends For Life
This mod brings the summer weather skies of "Old Time Reality Mod" to the Friends for Life DLC. It comprises only the "skies" folder. Side note: "Old Time Reality Mod" is a huge mod, and developed by QTmodz for the original game. I had selected the files from different versions of this mod and applied them for the Friends for Life mod.
Complete Whiteout And Heavy Snowfall For Ch. 2-5 And Friends For Life (Plus JA)
Empire Bay found itself in the middle of a snowstorm in February 1945. It's time to enjoy the real white winter. Perfect playing during cold months and at Christmas time. For more information read detailed description.
- 34.3MB
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Complete Whiteout And Heavy Snowfall For Ch. 2-5 And Friends For Life (Plus JA)
Empire Bay found itself in the middle of a snowstorm in February 1945. It's time to enjoy the real white winter. Perfect playing during cold months and at Christmas time. For more information read detailed description.