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About this mod

This is a version of the previously existing Harder Hildebolt mod that adds in some custom new units as well.

Permissions and credits
This is a version of the previously existing Harder Hildebolt mod that adds in some custom new units as well. The localization is currently done for English, although I may do the localization for French, German, and Spanish if there is a demand.


This mod increases the difficulty of Hildebolt's Army by doubling the number of units he fields for the Pre-Release 0.8.002. In order to balance this, the number of units provided by mercenaries is doubled and their cost adjusted accordingly. Let me know if there are any custom versions that anyone would like to request. As of the new version of the game, mods that existed for the version of the game running Unreal Engine 4 no longer run properly on the Unreal Engine 5 version of the game.

How to install:
Drop MoreStorage.pak into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Manor Lords\ManorLords\Content\Paks\~mods

The ~mods folder may need to be created in the Paks directory.

This mod will NOT be compatible with any file that changes the DT_MercenaryCompanies, DT_UnitTemplates, or DT_Translation_UnitTemplates tables. This includes any mod that adds or modifies the game's mercenaries or unit templates.

Update for the mod suggested by Vjdonoso and State.