About this mod
Hildebolt's army is now reinforced with additional forces based on your progression of the game.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
The mod will now provide Hildebolt's army with additional reinforcements that change in size based on multiple factors.
These factors include:
- Total wealth (regional wealth + treasury)
- Your army size
- How many regions you currently control
- How many years have passed
New Game is recommended!
Several config.lua files will be available, the default is the Standard difficulty settings, and the others are for Easy and Hard difficulties for those who want easier or harder challenges when facing the baron - See Optional Files.
For those who want to customize the mod's configuration and understand the logic behind it, you can read more in Mod Details section.
Highly recommended mods to be played with:
Installation (PC)
- Follow the instructions here: RE-UE4SS Mod Loader
- Unzip the archive into your ManorLords installation path -> ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\ (This folder should be there from the installation of RE-UE4SS)
- You should now have a folder called adaptiveBaronDifficultyMod in ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\
- Run the game.
Installation (GamePass)
- Follow the instructions here: RE-UE4SS Mod Loader
2. Unzip the downloaded mod into your ManorLords installation path -> ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\ue4ss\Mods\ (This folder should be there from the installation of RE-UE4SS)
3. You should now have a folder called adaptiveBaronDifficultyMod in ManorLords\Binaries\WinGDK\ue4ss\Mods\
4. Need to enable mod in mods.txt manually, add adaptiveBaronDifficultyMod: 1 line for that.
5. Run the game.
Mod Details
The game will now present a message if the mod has been loaded or not:

Each time a challenge is contested where the Hildebolt will spawn his army, he will be reinforced with additional units based on the previously mentioned factors. However, there is a grace period of several years before he is reinforced with additional forces.
In addition, if there is already a claim in progress the mod now drastically increases the claim size to 50k influence for the other claims. This is to stop players from claiming several regions at once but not entirely disable it if you're able to pay off the influence cost.
The baron can be bigger than expected if he also controls mercenaries, so be careful and don't let him take over everything!
The mod uses a configuration file called config.lua which can be freely configured by the player to customize the mod's difficulty.
Now for details regarding the mod configurations:
- unitSpawnerDivisor - Lowering this value will increase the amount of Hildebolt's army
- mainPlayerRegionsCnt_multiplier - Increase the multiplier value will increase Hildebolt's army based on the amount of regions you control. For example a multiplier value of 0.5 while you control 4 regions will add 0.5*4=2 additional units to Hildebolt's reinforcements army
- yearsSurvived_multiplier - Same as above but for how many years the player has survived
- grace_mainPlayerRegionsCnt - The baron will not reinforce based on the player's region count unless the value is above grace_mainPlayerRegionsCnt value
- grace_yearsSurvived - Reinforcements will spawn only after X years have passed
- You can configure exactly what is the composition of the reinforcement will be on each different level by changing the values of: lvl1_baron_army_composition, lvl2_baron_army_composition, lvl3_baron_army_composition, last_stand_baron_army_composition
- max_army_size_yearsSurvived - A hard cap on what is the max possible reinforcements size,
- level2_threshold - This amount decides when the reinforcement will spawn the next level's army composition
- baronArmyGrowthRate - Increasing this value will make it so fewer years are needed for Hildebolt's army size to increase
- Potential compatability issues with ML mod series, use those mods with this mod at your own risk.
- New Game is highly recommended!
Delete ManorLords\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\adaptiveBaronDifficultyMod\ folder
Manor Lords is an early access game, it is not possible to guarantee that everything will work smoothly as unexpected behaviors and bugs may occur when using mods.
Your support is appreciated!