Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Version 1.0.3
Removed the pre-match cinematic skip, this caused more problems then it fixed and isn't actually faster than just waiting for the intro to finish automatically (or skipping manually).
Version 1.0.2
This version skips the tournament intro correctly and introduces the pre-match cinematic skips for every map.
Version 1.0.1
Sounds from each intro no longer play on the first frame. The most current hotfix to the game causes the tournament intro to play anyway; this mod still mutes the audio and the intro stays black.
No donations accepted
This All-in-One mod skips every intro at the start of the game, and the Tournament intro as well for all languages. No more waiting, get right into a match or get right back in the game to avoid a disconnect penalty. Easily remove ~15 seconds waiting to start playing the game.
This mod currently skips - Marvel Cinematic - NetEase Cinematic - Unreal Cinematic - Epilepsy Warning - Intro Cinematic - Tournament Cinematic
This mod does NOT skip - Initial shader caching - Click login screen Both of these are essential to loading the game
Navigate to your installation folder and find Marvel\Content\Paks and create and folder inside Paks named ~mods Extract the .zip file into this mods folder.