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About this mod

Skips all intro cinematics for the game.

Permissions and credits
This All-in-One mod skips every intro at the start of the game, and the Tournament intro as well for all languages.
No more waiting, get right into a match or get right back in the game to avoid a disconnect penalty.
Easily remove ~15 seconds waiting to start playing the game.

This mod currently skips
 - Marvel Cinematic
 - NetEase Cinematic
 - Unreal Cinematic
 - Epilepsy Warning
 - Intro Cinematic
 - Tournament Cinematic

This mod does NOT skip
 - Initial shader caching
 - Click login screen
Both of these are essential to loading the game

Navigate to your installation folder and find Marvel\Content\Paks and create and folder inside Paks named ~mods
Extract the .zip file into this mods folder.

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