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Spreadsheet for programs like Excel of recommended/suggested MODs.

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Tired of watching countless videos to find the best MODs? Not to worry, I did that for you and made this. Using JonnyFiveAlive's spreadsheet as a template, along with many of his suggestions via Channel5 Gaming, I was able to put this spreadsheet together. It has suggestions from various videos as well as a few of my own.

4/28/24 MAJOR UPDATE: I added drop down lists for each ability. Now, instead of just picking the card based on the recommended MOD, you can select the MOD you want and go from there. Nice thing is that, like the game, each card belongs to a 'pool', so you'll only be able to select a MOD from the pool that card belongs to. However, one thing I didn't do was follow the game's rules of

  • If a card does something innately, and a Mod exists with the same effect, then that Mod can never appear on that card.
  • If a card has Draw, it cannot get Free from a Mod.
To save myself a LOT of time and sanity I made the pools 'generalized'. That means whatever pool that card belongs to, ANY MOD from that pool can be selected. So you can select 'Free' for a card that already has it or draws cards. This spreadsheet affects the game in no way, it is simply for you to plan out your decks. If I had used the same rules as the game, this would've taken a TON of time and likely be riddled with mistakes. Still, it is now much more useful than before.

5/14/24 UPDATE: Fixed a few errors. Merged card # column to make it easier to select. I also added my Hunter recommendation (see pics). Suggestions made based on going through THREAT Room (see pics) with each character. I figure if I can do it, you can as well. The recommendations are probably not the best for team composition, but with the right combat items and correct strategy - like I said, if I can do it, you can as well. For team comp. I like to give Nico her Restore card but soloing her in the THREAT Room it's pretty useless. Blood for blood does sort of the same thing and deals damage. To bind an enemy, I just equip the SymbIote Bomb so I can use it with anybody and not rely on having Dr. Strange, Spider-Man or Venom. To help you, I recommend maxing out the stats (see pics). To help you with that get this and this, they're not really needed, but they'll help. I also used this. Don't worry about using mods, you'll still get the achievement (see pics).

5/15/24 UPDATE: Nothing major. Just made numbers a bit bolder to read easier & and hid tabs I used for the pools.

6/13/24 UPDATE:  Minor changes with Morbius. I was able to just survive 3 rounds with him before, but now I managed to clear the field.

6/14/24 UPDATE: Readjusted Nico's deck. Hopefully, THREAT room is a bit easier now.

6/19/24 UPDATE: Readjusted Ghost Rider's deck. Hopefully, THREAT room is a bit easier now.

1/4/25 UPDATE: Readjusted Scarlet Witch's deck. Hopefully, THREAT room is a bit easier now.