- The Black Widow Suit replaces Hunter's Salem Suit (Default Outfit).
- Body model comes from the Crystal Dynamics Avengers Game and has been customized to improve the shape and appearance.
All head meshes include the upper chest area. This area is not visible with other outfits equipped.
Eye color cannot be changed from the default. Please set it to your desired eye color if you're starting a new character as this will be fixed in an update.Skin tone cannot be adjusted beyond the default skin color for each race. Please set it to your desired skin tone anyway if you're starting a new character as this will be fixed in an update.
1. Download & install No Collar (Required Mod).
2. Download & extract BlackWidow_by_Arbek.zip.
3. Move BlackWidow_Hunter_By_Arbek into your ~mods directory.
Note: If the ~mods folder doesn’t exist yet then you will need to create it and make sure it is in the above location.- I may change the chest and neck portion to make it part of the suit instead of part of the head. That way you will be able to change the skin tone and eye color. Please let me know your thoughts regarding this. - DONE
- I am planning to replace her swords with Black Widow's batons in a future update.
Black Widow and Marvel are the sole property of The Walt Disney Company. This file is being provided for personal use and is not made, guaranteed, or supported by The Walt Disney Company, Marvel, or any of it’s affiliates.