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About this mod

Decided to give peter a little make over, nothing too special.

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As stated already, just decided to give peter a little makeover, I am a novice at spiderman modding, i have just recently started modding this game and getting back into modding after a long break. So, bear with me and its imperfections.

I have added the hair options to both his unmasked model and peter model. Hair may pop out of his mask occasionally, whenever he puts his mask on but there's no issues whenever he unmasks.

It may conflict with his younger peter model, since I replaced the hair cards (which is shared amongst all his models) alphas map with the custom one since it was just the easiest way for me, probably won't fix that since young peter only appears in the game for such a short time period. The other Hairstyle option won't have this issue, since it reuses the games assets.

- Will be working on a fix for hair clipping, whenever peter puts on his mask.

- I also advise to do a TOC reset every now and then for mods to properly install just to be safe, as in my experience deleting/updating mods in overstrike/mod library have bugged out and not deleted correctly unless i swapped with a fresh TOC.

This makeover will consist, of

- 3 hair options (Choose one)
- optional brown/blue eyes
- Corduroy outfit replacing only Peters Button Shirts and Flannel.