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About this mod

Kaine suit in the style of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man! Replaces the Hellfire Gala suit (Sorry, I don't know how to do suit slots just yet.)

Permissions and credits
This suit features all of the signature features of the classic Kaine suit, but with a twist! This suit features the aesthetic of the Raimi (Webbed) suit! Including the lenses, logos (2004 styled in front and 2002 styled in the rear) and more such as the brick pattern!!

HUGE thanks to Ye-Train for giving me a new material preset for the body specifically, it just adds even more to the realism and that velvet look!

I personally think this look captures the Kaine suit in a whole new way, looks very menacing in the right sceneries. I hope you guys enjoy this mod as much as I do!! 

Please tag me and/or credit me when using this suit, I'd love to see what you guys do with it!
