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Created by

SpideySansGoku DustintheWind Mr F Derk Rezzscape Daigron and Golden Age Archangel

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About this mod

E3 restoration so cool.
Now with the full animation and the mm uppercut to simulate the e3 experience.
Now with an alt version with the e3 uppercut

Permissions and credits
Special thanks to all my friends over at the spider-man ps4 modding discord for helping me out on this mod.
Dustin for helping me find the files indirectly.
Mr F for shooting videos and sending pics.
Derk for sending pictures of uppercut in action.
Rezzscape for always being there for testing.
Daigron just being the chad he is
Tiff for showing me the E3 combat mod and finding e3 uppercut
TheMaster_ZD#5497 for their feedback and even telling me how combat should go
and finally golden age archangel for telling me how to swap the uppercut