- Refine results Found 319 results.
A Lot Of Textures (ALOT) for ME2
Vanilla-friendly, exhaustive and easy to install graphical overhaul mod for the Mass Effect Trilogy.
- 94KB
- 15.7k
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A Lot Of Textures (ALOT) for ME2
Vanilla-friendly, exhaustive and easy to install graphical overhaul mod for the Mass Effect Trilogy.
Auto win mini games. Single probe planet scan
Mass Effect 2 Controller Support (Power Wheel)
This mod acts much like a third party trainer program or using console commands but does not require any third party software to use. Highlights include, infinite ammo, soldier class weapons for all characters, allows you to add paragon level, renegade level, credits, talent points, resources, experience points, etc.
- 72KB
- 7.2k
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This mod acts much like a third party trainer program or using console commands but does not require any third party software to use. Highlights include, infinite ammo, soldier class weapons for all characters, allows you to add paragon level, renegade level, credits, talent points, resources, experience points, etc.
Shorter loadings (animated - new version)
Have you ever noticed loading times seems always to be the same? Regardless you are loading the entire planet of Tuchanka or just your cabin? Here's a fix to speed up your playtrough!
- 163.2MB
- 6.5k
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Shorter loadings (animated - new version)
Have you ever noticed loading times seems always to be the same? Regardless you are loading the entire planet of Tuchanka or just your cabin? Here's a fix to speed up your playtrough!
This is an upload of Pordis Shepard's save editor
A Lot of Videos (ALOV) for ME2
This mod aims to upscale and remaster all prerendered cutscenes, that by definition no texture mod can fix.
- 26.2MB
- 4.5k
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A Lot of Videos (ALOV) for ME2
This mod aims to upscale and remaster all prerendered cutscenes, that by definition no texture mod can fix.
ENB or Reshade with SweetFX for Mass Effect 2
This is meant to enhance the overall games appearance. Bringing out the true colors and definition in the game. Giving you a sharper and clearer picture. Video's included.
- 1.3MB
- 4.0k
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ENB or Reshade with SweetFX for Mass Effect 2
This is meant to enhance the overall games appearance. Bringing out the true colors and definition in the game. Giving you a sharper and clearer picture. Video's included.
Upscaled and improved textures for bun and ponytail hairstyles in ME2. Includes the shared scalp for the low/mid/high/ponytail textures, the high bun and the icon bun.
- 20.1MB
- 3.2k
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Upscaled and improved textures for bun and ponytail hairstyles in ME2. Includes the shared scalp for the low/mid/high/ponytail textures, the high bun and the icon bun.
Improves the PC controls of Mass Effect 2, allowing more accurate, safe and responsive control of the character.
- 80KB
- 2.7k
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Improves the PC controls of Mass Effect 2, allowing more accurate, safe and responsive control of the character.
Increased Maximum Fuel and Probes
Increases the maximum limit of fuel from 1000 to 7000.Increases the maximum limit of probes from 30 to 500.
- 70KB
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Increased Maximum Fuel and Probes
Increases the maximum limit of fuel from 1000 to 7000.Increases the maximum limit of probes from 30 to 500.
Modern Weapon Pack adds 18 new weapons for you and your squad, including numerous known from ME3.
- 32.9MB
- 2.4k
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Modern Weapon Pack adds 18 new weapons for you and your squad, including numerous known from ME3.
Mod Manager for Mass Effect Trilogy and Mass Effect Legendary Edition
This mod allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard, utilizing unused dialogue in the game files. It also fixes issues with imported same-gender Ashley and Kaidan romances and allows and restores other same-gender content whenever possible.
- 67.4MB
- 2.1k
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This mod allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard, utilizing unused dialogue in the game files. It also fixes issues with imported same-gender Ashley and Kaidan romances and allows and restores other same-gender content whenever possible.
The mod makes Hackett's message about Arrival trigger after the Suicide Mission.
4x Faster Loading Screens at 60fps
Experience all the content of the original loading screens at 4x (or 2x) the speed, because time is precious. This mod does not cut or re-compress animations; the originals run at 15fps, this mod alters file metadata changing playback to 60fps. ALOV supplants 4X FASTER. If you use ALOV there is no need to use this mod.
- 404KB
- 1.7k
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4x Faster Loading Screens at 60fps
Experience all the content of the original loading screens at 4x (or 2x) the speed, because time is precious. This mod does not cut or re-compress animations; the originals run at 15fps, this mod alters file metadata changing playback to 60fps. ALOV supplants 4X FASTER. If you use ALOV there is no need to use this mod.
Startup instantly to the Main Menu.
MEUITM2 Updated Textures, Alternate Character Appearances, and More Visual Goodies for ME2.
- 144KB
- 1.6k
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MEUITM2 Updated Textures, Alternate Character Appearances, and More Visual Goodies for ME2.
Remove the shared cooldown; each power has its own individual cooldown.
Expanded Shepard Armory mod unlocks helmetless versions of the official DLC armors to players who wish to use them and see their Shepard's faces; as well as adds additional armors, headgear and casual outfits ported from Mass Effect 1, 3 and Andromeda.
- 504.9MB
- 1.4k
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Expanded Shepard Armory mod unlocks helmetless versions of the official DLC armors to players who wish to use them and see their Shepard's faces; as well as adds additional armors, headgear and casual outfits ported from Mass Effect 1, 3 and Andromeda.