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Captain Obvious

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  1. KevinAkaSharkie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    well consider a good mod but have issue like others while playing male shep only male char have the texture of the fatigues while playing fem shep is ok. C-sec human have the same texture as well but is ok. but till now the issue of only male char have the texture only havent been solves, well it doesnt effect the creator but as players that use ur mod facing issue arent u gonna help them solve it ? instead u dont give a fck about it lol
  2. gekko2111
    • member
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    One of those Must Have Mods. Though I had the same problem, as everyone else in this comment section. If it would help someone - I figured out that opposite-gender-default-fatigue is caused not only by Bonus Powers Pack, but by EGM's main files as well, which is damn unfortunate.
    Upd: It's actually not files, but one file - BioD_Nor_001Global.pcc - that causes trouble.
    1. Sunegami
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      Were you able to fix it?
  3. MEFan2242
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    I like this mod, but I'am getting the same problem as several other users regarding it not applying to characters. It seems that if I'm a maleShep, all male NPCs on the Normandy also get it, but not females. I get the exact opposite problem when I play a Femshep, all male characters remain in their default colors while the fmale NPCs get the modded outfits. Is it the bonus powers issue and if so, how do you fix it? If it is actually someting else, well, same question.
    1. CaptainObviousau
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      I've never had that problem so I'm not sure either what could be causing it or how to fix it, sorry.
  4. whodatninja117
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  5. DarkLordDiablos
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    I like the look of this mod and have downloaded it but haven't used it yet. Though I'd like to see a version of this mod that matches the red uniform worn by the students of Grissom Academy.

    Do I need to download WarrantyVoider's DLC DLL Files to use this Mod?

    After using this mod for a while now I can't look at the default uniforms without wondering what the hell they were thinking when they designed them since this mod fits the game far better since they match the colours of the dress uniform.

    Great work.
  6. dnc510
    • supporter
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    So I fell in love with this mod, but I've noticed recently despite multiple reinstalls that the mod seems to only half work, or more on males everything loads fine, but the fatigues on females are still default vanilla, most noticably traynor, and any other female NPC on the normandy. in the intro it doesn't load on some males as well, yet it loads on ashley(using v2 of battlepack expanded) just fine. Any idea what's wrong?

    EDIT: it seems there's something in EGM that seems to conflict, as far as the female set of armors go. doing more testing.
  7. User_9280274
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Pretty much perfect other than C-Sec & no compatibility with Ash' Legacy. Nicely done.
    1. CaptainObviousau
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      I really, really wish I could fix the C-Sec/Bailey issue, but it's essentially impossible because of the way Bioware designed the system. Why they thought C-Sec and the Alliance would wear the same fatigues is beyond me, but still...

      It is compatible with Ash Legacy, it just needs a small addition which I THINK is an option in my Ashley Battlepack mod.
    2. User_9280274
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Hope so, I'll have to look into it sometime.
  8. leahlo89
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a way to keep the Alliance fatigues but edit Shepard's casual outfit?
  9. jigovee1234
    • member
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    Hi. First off, thanks for this mod. One question though. Is it possible for you to have a version of the mod that only replaces the Alliance Fatigues? It kinda bothers me that I can still notice the chain that was on the original Officer Uniforms. Or maybe, do not remove the chain that was on the original? Just a suggestion. But other than that, great mod!
    1. CaptainObviousau
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Hi jigovee,

      Yeah I know, it's an issue. I'm aiming to remove that bulge as soon as I can. I could do a fatigues-only release but I'm not sure if it'll get done, will let you know.
  10. SimTeXa
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    These uniforms definitely look a lot better than the boring black-white and blue uniforms they normally use. But one thing bothers me: the uniform retexture only applies to male characters. Female characters like Traynor and other still wear the vanilla uniform, and in the end it sort of gets quite annoying that they wear two different types of uniforms. Additionally, C-sec officers like Captain Bailey also wear the Alliance uniform, which too seems a bit strange.
    1. CaptainObviousau
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Hi SimTeXa,

      That's strange, the uniform should be applying to both genders - it does in my copy.

      The issue with Baley is highly annoying, I know, it's unfortunately a result of Bioware being lazy. Bailey shares textures with Alliance males, so if you change one, you change the other...
    2. thomabe
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I've got the same problem. I checked my mods and found something: Part one of the "Bonus Power Pack" affected the file for the human-female presets.

      So check your mods...
    3. CaptainObviousau
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Alas, one of the pitfalls with mods - they override each other depending on what you have installed. I need to update this mod anyway, which should hopefully fix the issue. Or it might cause new ones, hopefully not though!
    4. M9YH9M
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same problem, uninstalling the Bonus Power Pack did not fix it for me though
      I have no idea what to do