- Refine results Found 94 results. 572 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
The Expanded Galaxy Mod adds a huge number of changes, both large and small, to improve the overall gameplay of Mass Effect 3, giving the user a more personalized experience.
- 1.4GB
- 11.9k
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The Expanded Galaxy Mod adds a huge number of changes, both large and small, to improve the overall gameplay of Mass Effect 3, giving the user a more personalized experience.
SinglePlayer Native Controller Support Mod
Support for controllers in singleplayer with native controller UIs and scaling for TV/4K
- 16.0MB
- 5.6k
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SinglePlayer Native Controller Support Mod
Support for controllers in singleplayer with native controller UIs and scaling for TV/4K
A pair of DLC-mods which gives Shepard 10 brand new bonus powers for single player, based on MP powers.Pack 1 contains Arc Grenade, Ballistic Blades, Biotic Sphere, Smash, and Submission Net.Pack 2 contains Annihilation Field, Tactical Scan, Multi-Frag Grenade, Biotic Slash, and Geth Turret.
- 10.0MB
- 3.9k
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A pair of DLC-mods which gives Shepard 10 brand new bonus powers for single player, based on MP powers.Pack 1 contains Arc Grenade, Ballistic Blades, Biotic Sphere, Smash, and Submission Net.Pack 2 contains Annihilation Field, Tactical Scan, Multi-Frag Grenade, Biotic Slash, and Geth Turret.
The purpose of Spectre Expansion Mod is to improve the under used Shadow Broker and Spectre terminals, to give the player new difficult choices to consider via Spectre authorisations, to improve the presence of background races in ME3, to expand the galaxy map and provide clues to the battles happening beyond the scope of Shepard’s missions.
- 154.4MB
- 3.5k
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The purpose of Spectre Expansion Mod is to improve the under used Shadow Broker and Spectre terminals, to give the player new difficult choices to consider via Spectre authorisations, to improve the presence of background races in ME3, to expand the galaxy map and provide clues to the battles happening beyond the scope of Shepard’s missions.
Project Variety is a major overhaul of Mass Effect 3
Additional maps and armors unlocked for the new squadmates in Expanded Galaxy Mod.
Priority: Earth Overhaul Mod is a comprehensive attempt to improve Mass Effect 3's final mission in every way possible, featuring a vast array of restored cut content, bug fixes, new gameplay elements, and various other enhancements -- all of which remain faithful to Bioware's original vision and design.
- 1.1GB
- 2.2k
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Priority: Earth Overhaul Mod is a comprehensive attempt to improve Mass Effect 3's final mission in every way possible, featuring a vast array of restored cut content, bug fixes, new gameplay elements, and various other enhancements -- all of which remain faithful to Bioware's original vision and design.
Increased war asset values
Individual Cooldowns Mod (ME1 Style)
Disables the global cooldown of powers, making them all have individual cooldowns just like ME1 (and the mod from ME2)
- 25KB
- 1.0k
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Individual Cooldowns Mod (ME1 Style)
Disables the global cooldown of powers, making them all have individual cooldowns just like ME1 (and the mod from ME2)
No reaper alertness and you can scan entire system in one click. Also faster planet rotation.
- 1.3MB
- 984
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No reaper alertness and you can scan entire system in one click. Also faster planet rotation.
Stimulant Pack - True Bonus Power
Permanently unlocks the Stimulant Pack power from the Citadel DLC as a true, usable bonus power for Shepard.UPDATE: Now available as a DLC-mod, no longer requires ME3Explorer to use!
- 2.7MB
- 972
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Stimulant Pack - True Bonus Power
Permanently unlocks the Stimulant Pack power from the Citadel DLC as a true, usable bonus power for Shepard.UPDATE: Now available as a DLC-mod, no longer requires ME3Explorer to use!
During the Citadel DLC after throwing the first phase of the party, instead of choosing to either have the next two phases be relaxed or rowdy, the party will instead go through phases 2 and 3 of relaxed, and then phases 2 and 3 of rowdy. Do not install if you use CEM as CEM already has this functionality.
- 17.0MB
- 955
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During the Citadel DLC after throwing the first phase of the party, instead of choosing to either have the next two phases be relaxed or rowdy, the party will instead go through phases 2 and 3 of relaxed, and then phases 2 and 3 of rowdy. Do not install if you use CEM as CEM already has this functionality.
Improves the PC controls of Mass Effect 3, allowing more accurate, safe and responsive control of the character.
- 2.4MB
- 874
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Improves the PC controls of Mass Effect 3, allowing more accurate, safe and responsive control of the character.
Improved Fitness and Encumbrance
A DLC-mod which alters each class's Fitness in order to make the classes feel a little more unique, as well as increasing the weight capacity limits for each class.
- 3KB
- 824
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Improved Fitness and Encumbrance
A DLC-mod which alters each class's Fitness in order to make the classes feel a little more unique, as well as increasing the weight capacity limits for each class.
An overhaul for the final mission of Mass Effect 3 with the aim of representing the allies you have gathered over the course of the trilogy, fixing bugs and adding ambient immersive events. In addition, this is natively built to be compatible with story mods such as Expanded Galaxy Mod and Spectre Expansion Mod.
- 590.9MB
- 723
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An overhaul for the final mission of Mass Effect 3 with the aim of representing the allies you have gathered over the course of the trilogy, fixing bugs and adding ambient immersive events. In addition, this is natively built to be compatible with story mods such as Expanded Galaxy Mod and Spectre Expansion Mod.
Multiplayer Native Controller Support
Allows you to use controllers with the native Xbox interface and controls in multiplayer
- 28.3MB
- 718
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Multiplayer Native Controller Support
Allows you to use controllers with the native Xbox interface and controls in multiplayer
Immersive Thessia Mod realizes the full potential of one of Mass Effect 3's most iconic missions, by introducing what the original tried but failed to portray: The visuals and sound design of a city under siege, as well as a tense and action-packed atmosphere. All of this is accomplished while remaining strictly faithful to Bioware's vision.
- 60.0MB
- 661
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Immersive Thessia Mod realizes the full potential of one of Mass Effect 3's most iconic missions, by introducing what the original tried but failed to portray: The visuals and sound design of a city under siege, as well as a tense and action-packed atmosphere. All of this is accomplished while remaining strictly faithful to Bioware's vision.
A simple mod fixing the Marksman ability for default Ashley
Fixes the FoV (Field of View) of Mass Effect 3 to make it closer to the FoV angles you're used to in most 3rd person shooting games. This mod enables you to see more of the 3D world around you, which makes it easier to be aware of the enemies on the surroundings. This is a permanent fix to the problems with the default FoV of Mass Effect 3.
- 13KB
- 450
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Fixes the FoV (Field of View) of Mass Effect 3 to make it closer to the FoV angles you're used to in most 3rd person shooting games. This mod enables you to see more of the 3D world around you, which makes it easier to be aware of the enemies on the surroundings. This is a permanent fix to the problems with the default FoV of Mass Effect 3.
Unofficial Mass Effect 3 Patch
The Unofficial Mass Effect 3 Patch (UME3P) introduces a large amount of bug fixes, polish and visual corrections for the entire game. It also backports changes from the Legendary Edition, helps integrate DLC, and restores cut content in a careful and selective manner.
- 524.0MB
- 330
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Unofficial Mass Effect 3 Patch
The Unofficial Mass Effect 3 Patch (UME3P) introduces a large amount of bug fixes, polish and visual corrections for the entire game. It also backports changes from the Legendary Edition, helps integrate DLC, and restores cut content in a careful and selective manner.