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About this mod

Makes the Nomad tilt-able using either keyboard or mouse

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Nomad Tilt Mod

Tilting of the Nomad on PC is per default bound to the mouse-wheel - which is not documented anywhere and so no one knows about this.
This mod will bind tilting to either the mouse itself, or to customizable keys.
This is however not quite perfect. Especially the customizable key part.
Per Mod-default tilting the nomad backwards is bound to 'K'. To change this, find the 'Tilt Backward (primary)' entry in Settings>Controlls>KeyBindings - Nomad.
The 'Tilt Forward (secondary)' entry contains the key for forward tilting.
As both affect the very same InputConcept, the entries will mirror each other! But the first one is for tilting backwards, while the second entry will tilt forward. This is independent of which one is used to set the primary or secondary key. Only where that key was set matters! So be careful what you put in where.
I only added primary and secondary to the key names to make it easier for myself to remember which one i used for what ;)
Use only one main version of the mod at a time!

Version 1.1 of the rebindable keys requires Frosty Version 1.0.6 Alpha 3 or newer (the current one is Alpha 5), the Bioware Localization Plugin and the TextPack for the key names to show up. (Texts are currently available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish)
There are no requirements except frosty for the mouse version and the rebindable keys version 1.0.
The previous rebindable keys version can be found under outdated files. It will display two '[NOT USED]' texts instead for the new key bindings.

Important for Uninstalling:
These key-bindings (and mouse-binding) will persist even without the mod active. To get rid of these bindings, load the game without the mod, and reset all key-bindings. This is the only way to remove them.

Additional Info:
The nomad Y achsis (tilting up and down) is controlled by 'ConceptIdentifier    : 398065046' in 'Game/configuration/input/SoldierInputConcepts', while 'ConceptIdentifier    : -1929853609' controls X steering (left and right)

Translations where provided (in alphabetic order) by: CRD. VALIANT-6, Krozt, Mellin, Staminer, tlopez098

Obligatory Special Thanks go to the creators and maintainers of the toolset.