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About this mod

Makes Shepard and Squadmates communicate more in combat.

Permissions and credits
In vanilla, most of the time Shepard doesn't warn their team about their incoming grenades, or that they're healing them. Squadmates rarely let Shepard know that the enemies are outside their view, or their shields are gone, or Shepard's are and that they're concerned. They rarely get excited when they get the last hit or entering combat. This mod lets them communicate more instead of them acting like they can send thoughts telepathically and just stay silent.

Basically if you throw a grenade Shepard will call it out practically every time. Same with medigels, rallying, shields being down, etc. Combat is usually so quiet with Shepard and they're crew and all you hear are guns and explosion. This mod helps.

Install with M3Tweaks Mod Manager by Mgamerz

My Other Mods:
Charm Intimidate Remover (LE1)
Legendary Cutscenes (LE1)
ME1 Insanity Mod (LE1)

Charm Intimidate Remover (ME1)
Put Your Guns Down (LE1) - Uninstall this if you're using Legendary Cutscenes its already included.
Pistols For Combat Cutscenes (LE1) - Uninstall this if you're using Legendary Cutscenes. PFCC was my first attempt at cutscenes. I may hide this one now. 
Master Overkill Fix (LE1) Included in LE1 Community Patch Uninstall this if using LE1 Community Patch it has this fix now so this mod is redundant. 

Thank you so much to everyone in the Mass Effect Modding and ME3Tweaks Discord channels. You all were so helpful and inspired me to start making mods. And a special thanks to Tajfun403 for helping me figure out the last part for this mod. ;)