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About this mod

Streaming framework to move NPCs to their own files during the prologue in order to make compatibility between mods easier.

Permissions and credits
LE2 Prologue Framework

This mod makes changes to the way the game will load assets during the very first part of the game (the opening scene through to departing Minuteman Station). It means that certain NPCs will load from their own unique files, improving compatibility between mods and reducing the need for patches. 

Installing this on its own will not result in any visible differences. It is a framework for other mod developers to use as a baseline so that their mods work together. Those mods will mark this framework as required. 

This mod works the same way as the streaming framework in the LE3 Community Patch, though it is more targeted in scope. 

Please read this article for detailed information on how to use the framework.

Installation and Compatibility

Import the .7z file into ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.  Apply the mod to the game. 

This mod requires the Unofficial LE2 Patch, version or later. You must install the Unofficial LE2 Patch first. 


Using prologue mods built for this framework and mods which were not at the same time will not work and will break your game. The changes the framework makes to the way files are loaded and what they contain are very invasive. Using incompatible mods won't just override or break things, they have a good chance of landing you in a softlock.

I will attempt to keep this list up to date but always defer to the information on the mod page. There will be a period of transition as mod devs consider whether they want to make use of the framework and update their mods if so. 

Compatible Mods

All texture mods (i.e. files with a .mem extension)
Alternate Behaviour of NG and NG+ Bonuses - version or later.
Armored Squad - version 1.3 or later.
Casual Hubs for LE2 - version 1.2.2 or later.
Cerberus and Alliance Uniform Consistency - version 3.0 and later.
Cerberus Ladies Wear Cerberus - all versions are compatible.
Expanded Shepard Armory - version 2.5.2 or later.
Genesis Begone
all versions are compatible.
Heavy Onyx Stats Upgrade and Representation Consistency - version 2.0 or later.
LE2 Alternative Bodies - version 1.3 or later.
Liara Consistency Mod - version 3.5.4 or later. Please note the similarly-named "Liara Consistency Project" is not compatible.
Liara Squadmate Mod - any version but you MUST USE THE AUTOPATCH TOOL that this mod provides.
Miranda Customization Project - all versions are compatible as this mod implements changes to Miranda via a different method and shares no files. 
Miranda Hair Replacer - version 3.0 or later.
Miranda Lawson's Armory (LE2) - version 1.2 or later (earlier versions can be used but lack the option to change her prologue appearance)
Off Duty - version 1.1 or later.
Skip Mass Effect 2 Prologue - version 1.1 or later.
Virmire Savior Mod (LE2) - version 2.17 or later.
Voice Actor Model Project [LE2] - version 1.1 or later.

Incompatible Mods

If you really, really want to use an incompatible mod, you can disable it before starting the game, then re-enable it once you have reached Freedom's Progress. You can disable mods via the "manage target" button in ME3Tweaks Mod Manager. As long as a mod was present when textures were installed, it can be safely disabled and re-enabled afterwards.

Doing this is unsupported (there will be edge cases!) and not useful to mods that only edit prologue content, but should work for a majority of the list below. 

Blonde Miranda for LE2
Brooks Hair for Femshep
Genesis Intro Dialogue Undo Mod
Jacob Wears Andromeda Armors
Jolene Shepard - Custom Headmesh
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE2)
Liara Consistency Project Please note the similarly-named "Liara Consistency Mod" is compatible.
Mass Effect 2 Miranda Lawson Hair to LE2-3
Miranda Hair Tweak
Nude Mod Femshepard for ME LE2
New Suit for Miranda
Practical Bodies for Shepard (LE2)
Some More Default Femshep Replacers

My Other Mods


Altered Assassin - Replace Kai Leng with either Miranda or Jacob in an immersing, branching narrative.
Super Extra Party Time! - Play through the relaxed and rowdy phases of the Citadel DLC Party in one go.
Liara Mourns the Dead (LE3) - Liara reflects on the lost, following the Cerberus Coup (Ash, Kaidan, Thane).
Punch Charles Saracino (LE1) - Why can't we punch this guy? Let me punch this guy!
Samara Camera Restoration (LE2) - Restores some unusual and artistic angles from ME2 to the first Normandy conversation with Samara.
F.I.S.H. Mod (LE2) - Kelly will feed your fish without taking her to dinner.
Last Person Standing (LE2) - Survive the Suicide Mission solo and import into LE3. 
Hammerhead Sound Fix (LE2) - Hammerhead will no longer howl like a possessed demon when mining.
Unextended Cut (LE3) - Restore the original release ending, or mix-and-match EC, release and cut ending content.
Anderson's Final Conversation Restored (LE3) - Cut content restored to Shepard's final conversation with Anderson
Trigger Buttons (ME2) - Trigger ambush missions with a button press, at a time of your choosing.
Trigger Buttons (LE2) - As above, for Legendary Edition!
Early Recruitment (ME2) - Early recruitment of Thane, Samara and Tali and early access to hubs.
Early Recruitment (LE2) - As above, for Legendary Edition!
F.I.S.H. Mod (ME3) - Kelly survives to return your fish without needing to flirt!
F.I.S.H. Mod (LE3) - As above, for Legendary Edition!
Additional Character Creation Options (ME3) - Extra character creation options!
Buzzcut for Default Femshep (ME3) - Read the mod title!

Credits & Thanks
Jenya66 for mesh assistance. 
 for playtesting, packaging and sfxpawn assistance.
Audemus and RepugnantPear for playtesting assistance.
All mod developers who have kindly updated and developed their mods to use the framework.
The ME3Tweaks toolset devs for their continued development of and support for the modding toolset.