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About this mod

Simple graphics mod to simulate HDR effects with multiple presets.

Permissions and credits
There are two main files. You need only one of them. Select the version you want to use and download it.

Remove any previous Reshade installation for the selected game.
Extract all files to the folder where the Mass Effect binary is located. For example for ME1 extract the files into :

Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\Win64\

If you don't like the default preset (HDR_DARK preset) press the HOME key and choose one of the following presets (enter Photo Mode before you do that otherwise the camera can spin around like a... ):

Press the END key to toggle the effect.

Was tested on Win10 x64 and Mass Effect 1 (Origin) but should work with the other two games and Steam.

If you have a HDR monitor and don't like the results then disable HDR from the in-game settings (options).

Here is a 4K video showing the mod (dark version) :

Photo mode gallery using this mod:

Thanks to Reshade developers for providing such a useful utility.
Reshade is an open source tool developed by . If you like it consider becoming a patron of Reshade (details on their webpage).