About this mod
All powers are bonus powers, and you can have all of them, all without touching mod dev tools or a save editor.
Want to play as a Soldier who can Biotic Charge into the fray and then Tactical Cloak out? Do it.
Want to switch up your powers for the next mission? Do it.
Welcome to Bonus Bonus Powers.
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Additionally, you can now respec individual powers at the Normandy med bay respec store, rather than needing to reset all of a character's powers at once.
This should persist across saves and loads as long as the mod is installed. It is mostly safe to add and remove it mid playthough or for a new game. If you start a new game, you will start with the normal powers of your class. Once you get to the Normandy, you can add or remove powers in the med bay. If you remove it midgame, you will lose any powers which are not bonus powers normally, getting the talent points back. You should keep however many bonus powers you had, just like checking multiple in the save editor. If you remove it mid playthrough, squadmates may lose powers. To avoid this, you should reset all their powers before uninstalling the mod. I am working on a solution to this.
A version of this mod for LE2 is out now!
Current known issues (and why this is still in BETA right now):
- There are some known power incompatibilities if they are used at the same time. Known example is Tech Armor and Tactical Cloak. The will likely not be addressed by this mod.
- If you add more powers than you have in the vanilla game, you will not have enough talent points to max all of them out, even at max level. I will look at changing how many points you get to accommodate more powers. This can now be addressed with mo other mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/882 and console commands. I will not be changing the level progression in the near future in this mod.
- If you try to edit a squadmate's powers after you recruit them but before you actually have them in your squad on a mission, it will not work. powers will fail to add, and they will show as having no powers. This can be worked around by taking them on a mission then trying again. I will look at a better fix for this.
- Unverified reports of issues with new games, especially imported from previous game or NG+. This has not been extensively tested in recent versions, though I think most issues have been fixed.
- Mod is still mostly unlocalized
- There have been reports of issues when you die and resume (rather than loading a save) with some powers getting dropped. I need to look into this.
Past Known issues that have been addressed
Some powers conflict with each other and it won't let you add them. I have not tested all combinations, but it seems like similar powers, such as grenade powers, are more likely to conflict. I was able to add all but four powers at once, but not always the same four. Please report any combinations you find that don't work. I'll be investigating this.Fixed as of 1.6. All powers can be added simultaneously and they work correctly.I cannot filter what shows up in the store to only the powers you actually have for removing or respeccing individual powers. I know exactly how to do it, but the game crashes if I even look at the function I need to edit. So I'll be looking into that. Maybe I can work around this with conditionals. For now, all "Remove X" and "Reset X" powers will show up at all times.Partially fixed in 1.1. Irrelevant entries will at least be disabled, though not removed.Fully fixed in 1.3.There is no limit imposed on how many powers you can add. I will look into adding one, because this is literally no way you can use all those powers.Addressed in 1.3It is not localized to any language other than English. Adding powers will look correct, as those strings are in the base game, but resetting and removing powers will be in English for the moment.Partially addressed in 1.7. Many strings will now be a mixture of English and the actual language, with much less to localize in the future.You cannot currently remove powers that are built into your class, though you can remove all points in them. I will work on improving this in the future.Addressed in 1.3Whoops, I'm missing passive powers in the granular respec. Will add those at some point.Addressed in 1.1Something is funky With Stimulant Pack and possibly all of the DLC bonus powers (Lash, Flare).Fixed as of 1.6. It was actually two separate issues.I have to have an entry per class for Fitness because I can't filter yet.Addressed in 1.3As of 1.3, there is noticeable lag when refreshing the store. Probably need to optimize my code a bit.This is much better in recent versionsIf you install the option to hide ammo powers to make more room for your other powers in 1.3, it will also hide squadmate ammo powers.Addressed in 1.4There are some issues with starting a new game with this already installed. This is high priority and will be addressed soon. For the best experience, install this after the opening cinematic or even after the entire prologue. Otherwise you might end up missing some powers and need to add them back with the console.This has been addressed in 1.5, and it should be safe to start a new game or new game+ with this mod installed.The nested stores for organization work, but have some odd quirks, like how if you go three levels deep, then hit "back", it takes you all the way to the top level. The code wasn't designed for multiple levels of nesting. I will fix this in a future update.Addressed in 1.8update 1.7 requires a build of ME3Tweaks Mod Manager which is currently in testing (build 122) and not available to everyone yet as of this writing, though that could change any day now. I will not be supporting installation on older builds, as it required a lot of hacky work to get around bugs that are fixed in 122. If you do not yet have the build (opting into beta might help), I would recommend sticking with 1.6 until you get it.Build 122 is now widely available.There is a known behavior where if you use console commands or mods to add extra talent points, then assign them, all your powers will be reset to rank 0 on a load or level change. This is present in the vanilla game and not addressed by this mod currently. I will look at changing this behavior to allow extra points to persist without resetting.You can fix this with my other mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/882This mod conflicts with the community patch fixes for Wrex and Aria.Addressed in 1.8. There should not be any incompatibilities anymore.An installation error was uncovered in a recent version of the mod manager.This is fixed in 1.8.Squadmate passive powers were getting reset in weird ways, introduced in 1.8.This is fixed in 1.9Related to above, I have broken the intel store in Liara's room. Will look into fixing this.Fixed in 1.9.2Wrex and Aria's powers got reset without refunding points.Fixed in 1.9.2
Things I want to add in the future:
- Some reasonable pricing and maybe unlocking over time, rather than "everything is free and unlocked up front, go nuts." Maybe bonus powers unlock throughout the game, a few each mission. Maybe level/class based? Maybe you have to buy them initially at a store in the world, then they are available in the med bay. Maybe they are prohibitively expensive, but you can get some or all of your money back by removing them. Maybe they unlock in a tree, and you can specialize further into Tech/Biotics, MEA style. Lots of experimenting to do.
Optional "Empty" classes with only the passive powers, so that you can really build it up from almost nothing. Will need to make sure the prologue is still playable. This has been added as a core part in 1.3 as part of fixing a related bug.Fixed for real in 1.5Nested stores for adding removing powers, respeccing Shepard's powers. Just better organization overall.Addressed in 1.7Granular respec for squadmates, ideally in nested stores. Added in 2.0Adding/removing squadmate powers. There's an empty slot there that they aren't using.Added in 2.0- modding the UI to have more slots for powers on the power wheel/tactics HUD
Respec/bonus power store in the Requisitions interface in the shuttle bay, maybe other places like at the Armax Arena.Partially addressed in 1.7. Want to take it further now that I have proved I can do it.- The ability to respec temporary DLC squadmates and Arena Squadmates. Might be a separate mod.
- fixes for the above known issues obviously.
So, how do you install it?
Just drag the archive onto ME3Tweaks Mod Manager (or download directly into it), import the mod, then install it.
How do you uninstall it?
You will need to remove the DLC mod added by this package and reset sfxgame.pcc using a backup.
Are there any known incompatible mods?
Are there potentially incompatible mods?
Yes. Any mods that modify how a few powers work would have their changes overwritten by this mod. There are no mods doing this that I know of.
How does this work with mods that change the power loadout of the classes?
It will work, with a small caveat. If you add the custom class mod mid playthrough while this mod is already installed, it will not load the new powers of your custom class. This is by design to allow you to remove built in powers without it adding them back. I will not be doing anything to make this work better. If you want a particular set of powers, you can just set them up through the shop.
The place where it can make sense to use custom class mods is to get the powers you want in the prologue. If you start a new game with both this mod and a custom class mod installed, you will start with the powers of the custom class, and once you get to the Normandy, you can customize from there.
Does this work with Restore 3 Stage Melee?
Does this work with mods that add new powers?
Yes. There is only one such mod released as of this writing, which you can find here, courtesy of MunchyFly.
Is this going to be ported to LE2/LE1/ME3?
A version for LE2 has now been released, and it can be found here.
LE1 is still a possibility. I plan to backport these mods to OT when they are more stable.
What are other good mods to go with this?
I'm glad you asked.
The one to allow respeccing Javik (they left him out) works perfectly with this.
So does this one that lets you respec everyone for free.
And now, this one which lets you add talent points via console command without the game resetting your powers.
This work is all done by me, but I couldn't have done it without help from a number of people:
Mgamerz, SirC, HenBagle, and KKJiro, and others in the Discord server for the amazing tools, advice, and figuring out/fixing bugs that I ran into.
Also, thank you to all the folks downloading and using this mod and reporting issues!