About this mod
21 new hairstyles for Male Shep ported by Girlplaysgame to ME3 and originally ported to Skyrim by Kalilies and Stealthic.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This DLC MOD needs to add a new TFC file, Textures_DLC_MOD_MSHEPHAIR.tfc, in the \BioGame\CookedPCConsole directory.
Unfortunately, I haven't found a better solution for loading the textures in LE1.
But it's safe and don't alter any other textures of the game.
1. Installation with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager
Drag and drop the .7z file into the Mod Manager and "Apply Mod".
2. Change the Hair Mesh with Trilogy Save Editor
Click on Open to load your save.
Click on to Head Morph tab and under Raw you will see Hair Mesh. Paste the code in the field and save.

For the screenshots, I used the crew cut hairstyle (quicker to do ^^)
For long hairstyles I recommend to use bald but you can try with other basic hairstyles.
Hairstyles Textures Parameters for Mshep can be found here.
Thanks so much to Spectren for sharing this link <3.
How to change Texture Parameters with Trilogy Save Editor
Example for Crew Cut :

Hair color can be changed in Vector Parameters > Hed_Hair_Colour_Vector

You can look at the "color comparisons" pictures for more information on color management.
3. Un-Installation with ME3Tweaks Mod Manager
Go in Manage Target and "Delete" the mod
Important : You will have to manually delete the TCF file Textures_DLC_MOD_MSHEPHAIR.tfc in your BioGame\CookedPCConsole directory.
Known issues
On some hairstyles there are still parts of slightly runny textures. I didn't find a way to fix it
Nicholas has a small transparency on the top of the head. I tried to fix it but the sources (that comes from 3DS Max) are corrupted in my Blender.
For Adonis I recommend to use crew cut base because we can see a little part of the scalp to the top that can't be fixed.
You've never installed a Mod?
Look at the installation procedure of the Mod ME2LE One Probe All Resources (which is a great Mod!)
V 1.2 Improved Adonis, Brienne, Dreadlocks , Flashback, Footprint, Gantz, Hawke, Hysteria, Leon, Macho, Nouk, Passion, Pompadour, RoughSketch, Siamese, Veteran and Zombrex.
More details:
Adonis : Fix some transparency issues.
Brienne: Small better Fit
Dreadlocks: Small better Fit
Fallout: Small better Fit
Flashback: Fix some transparency issues
Footprint: Fix some transparency issues
Gantz: Better Fit and Fix some transparency issues
Hawke: Better Fit and Fix some transparency issues
Hysteria: Small better Fit
Leon: Small better Fit
Macho: Small better Fit
Nouk: Fix UV Map
Passion: Fix some transparency issues
Pompadour: Small better Fit
RoughSketch : Better Fit
Siamese: Better Fit and Fix some transparency issues
Veteran: Small better Fit
Zombrex: Small better Fit and Fix some transparency issues
Unfortunately, I had to remove Anders and Flop because they can’t fit well without altering some parts of the mesh (and we are not allowed to do it)
V 1.1 improved textures for better colors and contrasts
Ported to ME3 by GirlPlaysGame.
Original hairstyles ported to Skyrim by Kalilies and Stealthic .
Hairstyles from Anto, Darko, Geisha, Hal, Jakea, Karzalee, Kijiko, Lapiz, Leah Lilith, Momo, NewSea, S-Club, Sintiklia, Sky, Stealthic, Peggy, Raonjena, Wings, XM and Zauma. But I don't know exactly who the male hairstyles used in this mod come from.
Hellosanta and HHaley for textures.
Thanks so much to CorporalHeart who help me to investigate for the texture loading issue and test <3!
Thanks so much to JazzIRevan to support me since my first haistyles Mod <3!
Thanks so much to the people who share pictures of their Shep <3. It's nice to see beautiful Shep;)