Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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The unofficial Mass Effect LE2 Patch team presents its work behind the scenes on this incredibly special day, as well as other projects we all are working on behind the scenes while trying to keep our sanity.


  1. Jtaylor1986
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    • 0 kudos
    Any ETA on this mod?
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      Deleted by me, the author.
    2. WaterdropWaltz
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the update!
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      Post deleted by me, the author, for a misleading tone that I did not intend.

      Best of luck to all on the project.
    4. Aetherpoint
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Perhaps if you were leading a team of talented people working hard to provide a better playing experience for potentially thousands of players, you'd understand how hard fixing the hundreds of bugs, audio issues, prop issues, misplaced textures and models, incorrect sequences, etc. etc. etc. You would understand that things like this take time.

      Instead, you're insulting those of us who are creating this incredibly intricate, and gigantic mod. The video was posted on N7 day so that we could let the wider community know that a patch was in the works. We never told anybody to delay their playthroughs. Nor did we want them to.

      Stop being a passive aggressive a**hole in a comment section where the lead Dev of the mod gets direct notifications of every comment posted.
    5. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Hi. I am co-leading the patch. When I saw your original comment I was confused by a number of your statements, including your assumptions about the size and where you seem to have gotten your information. You compared Khaar's update on twitter about the size of an uncompressed patch with all localised files to the size of the LE3 patch compressed without localised files. I believe the only public comment any of us made on the size of the final patch was a comment from myself in the public discord where I discussed these issues and kinda shrugged that I guessed it would be in the same ballpark as the LE3 patch. I certainly never said it would be 50% larger or gave any indication of that. I'm assuming you're present in the public discord server in some capacity since that is also where I referenced personal availability issues causing delays in development over the Christmas period (though again I do not believe I ever said it "all but stopped for 2 months". Someone was always working on it slowly). 

      It's really disconcerting to see someone putting out information like this with authority and no idea where it's come from. It adds to the false expectations around the patch which are really hard to manage. You could just ask directly. 

      We were always honest that we wanted to show our work on the LE2 patch for N7 day, a day you might not find important and which might not be important for EA, but which has  been important within the modding community over the past few years. We have always been open about the fact we only started work on the patch shortly before that time - much later than the Community Patch teams. Since no one had volunteered for an LE2 Community Patch, we picked up that work in the autumn. We were able to fix a number of the biggest, most reported issues for N7 day, but over the subsequent months we became aware of many more errors and had to make decisions about how and whether to address these and on what timescale. We have been honest that we do not recommend waiting on playthroughs. I have specifically said this to multiple people. We have released interim fixes for people while we work on the wider patch. 

      Believe me, we are aware that there is impatience. I do not understand why, two weeks ago, you were sanguine about this, but now have decided to come communicate your disappointment and judgement directly. There are actual humans behind this project, who, as you have admitted you know, have been working on this despite challenging personal circumstances. I just don't know what you're hoping to achieve, or, honestly, why you're so confident about where we are in our progress with it.

      I guess I feel we're judged for not having dropped everything to work on the patch in the first place. If we hadn't released the N7 day video we'd be accused of it being vaporware. Since we did it apparently started some timer. If it's smaller than the LE3 patch we'll be criticised for taking so long. If it's larger, we'll be criticised for being overly ambitious. We get all this, all the time. So sure, we made decisions you, personally, don't approve of. But please consider that there were other calculations at play and believe me that you are wrong if you think there was any way we could have handled the cards we were dealt that wouldn't have resulted in shirty comments about delays, or armchair quarterbacking about how we should have handled it.

      If you want to move ahead with your playthrough, great! I hope you mod the crap out of it and have a great time. It's been my honest advice to everyone since we started work on this. But I just...don't understand the purpose in coming over here, presenting yourself as an expert, then telling everyone we screwed up on this. I don't know what you're hoping to achieve, except maybe somehow taking us to task for disappointing you. Which in itself is a demotivating and demoralising comment to receive. So, job done I guess.
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      EDIT 2:  I've read the second post, and apparently I've really kicked the hornet's nest here.  All I did, in this post particularly, was accurately cite a few mentions in both the YouTube comments of the video and Khaar Machinima's Twitter page, and made one (apparently grossly incorrect, judging by tone) inference on patch size by comparing the list of issues the video showed with the LE3 official list (took more time than I'd like to admit).

      My original post here was apologetic for overstepping my bounds, and while this one is too, it's more curt.  I'm going to go ahead and just step aside and wipe my hands of everything, and just delete all my posts.  I'm not really interested in getting into a shouting match, especially with people I don't know or have ever seen as adversaries.  I was merely a follower of this project, trying to share information I found from various Twitter pages and the like that others interested in updates may not have seen.

      I've deleted all my posts from around the internet on this topic.  As I said before this edit, my intent was never to be malicious or passive-aggressive.  Best of luck in continued development.  I won't bother anyone around this project any more than I already have.
  2. crstreeter742
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    TY to all who are working on this. Really appreciated. I hope they fix the cigar Harrot is smoking mid air on Omega. 
  3. CamossDarkfly
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Will we have the option of not installing the "enhancements" and only installing the bug fixes, to bring this up to a vanilla-ME2-level of consistency?
    1. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      I'm confused at what enhancements are you referring to?
  4. Kastyrr
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos

    Jokes aside i hope it releases soon because i was planning to get LE for my birthday to do a whole new playthru as femshep but having patches for 1 and 3 while missing 2 is bummers. :p

    Regardless, thank you for the hard work!
  5. Sonare
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I'm always so impressed by the work modders put in to games, and this is a big thing to make. I'm looking forward to using the LE2 Patch when it's done, so thank you all for making it. <3
  6. fresherthanfroggy
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    What effect does rekindling the Liara romance after defeating the Shadow Broker have when it's properly registered? Is it something one could fix using a save editor?
    1. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      Liara will recognize Shepard and her being a thing on Mars, if I remember well. I haven't played that romance in a long time. But in vanilla, Liara "forgets" if you returned to her on the DLC...
    2. fresherthanfroggy
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Awesome to hear you can fix that, her amnesia on Mars always bothered me. Thanks for the response!
    3. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      Sorry for the delay in answering! Somehow I missed this notification and only thanks to a new comment I saw yours.
  7. volantredx
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    So I know it's a "when it's ready situation" but I'm wondering if that's a timetable measured in weeks or in months. I'm holding off on my next playthrough because I want to get the patch for it, but if it's like a six-month wait I'm not going to bother. 
    1. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      I wouldn't hold off your playthrough. I can't give you an exact estimate. Every time I think I'm done with something or one area in specific, more stuff comes up. Not only things broken on the Legendary Edition, but bugs we are discovering to have been long ignored since the OT. Our team aim is for a single release with minimal need for updates (aside from obvious bugs, which we hope we do not include!) as we do not want to bother modders who will need to rebuild their mods every time we update.

      Rest assured the project is not abandoned and a lot is still being done, we are just not spending time on announcements. Moreover, we all have our own real lives and side modding projects as well. This is not our job after all. We might start sharing more regular updates if we find a way that wouldn't distract us as much from fixing this cursed game.
  8. tieria
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    any news or updates for this mod? 
    1. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      The patch work keeps going. When the time comes, it will be released.
    2. tieria
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oooh thanks, can't wait to replay LE2 again.
  9. RumBuggy
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    I want to thank you and the entire Mass Effect Modding Community, for all of the amazing work you've done and continue to do. These games wouldn't be the same without you lot. Thank you a million times over and good luck on all of those projects!

    Post Script: Aaaahhh! Hairy Sheploo is coming to LE!!!! I can't wait!
    1. Cos76
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      I second that <3 I might start a new playthrough just for this! You guys just make our lives more enjoyable! Thank you <3
  10. uther12
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I will keep my fingers crossed for the success of this project. That's why I haven't decided to buy the Legendary Edition yet because of all these bugs. But if you manage to fix them all, let's say next summer and Mass Effect LE is on sale then I drop everything, install these fixes and experience one of the best games this time with fixes. But, I ask, these fixes will work with the Polish version?
    1. Marcus22Khaar
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      We are patching for all localizations, however, any Polish typos will need to be forwarded our way, so we can fix them (if they exist), as we do not have any Polish modder involved with the patch.