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Created by

Tony Beier

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About this mod

This mod changes game play speed in single player or multiplayer, so that you can play a complete game in a day or less. It also boosts scout speeds on star lanes.

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There are 3 speeds: Warp 3, 6 and 9 that increase Research, Production and Population Growth 3, 6 and 9 times faster than Normal. Warp 9 is probably too fast as production and research get buffered, and you end up having to build titans and doomstars in 1 turn to use up production.....
Then the problem of ship movements were still slowing the game down. I can't make ships go faster in a star system, but I could make it go faster on the star lanes. But I don't want an invasion force faster, so changing the Augmented Engines to 5 times normal makes scouts faster, but not troop transports.
I wrote this mod initially for mod developers to Beta test their new mods. However, anyone who wants to have a quick game can enjoy it! :-)
Enjoy! :-)