About this mod
This is a big collection of all my banners. You can get ready to use banner set 1 or banners set 2 and unpack it in your texture folder or you can use JPEG formated banners for your moding projects and make new nations, factions, kingdoms, lord and complete new visual identity of your game or mod.
- Permissions and credits
If you want to make your game a little more interesting, or you have a new original ideas for a nations, lords, culture, factions and you need something distinguishly original you will find in this collection allmost anything you need from visual identity of your kingdom, lords or troops.
-532 banners for any posible combination you want as a mod developer (they are in different sizes and in JPEG, JPG format so you have to adjust them to your game by Photoshop or simular programs.)
-26 unic and original Elven banners
2 complete sets of a native banners in DDS format ready to use. Just unpack one of them in your texture folder and replace old ones.
Some of those banners are allready in use in my older posts , but I decide to put them in this big collection where you can have all of them in one place.
DDS files 1 and 2 are fit just in native game. For some mods you have to adjust them (like in mods with STD banners and some others....)
-This files are free to use for all gamers and moders. Just give me some credits when you use it.
Happy moding and gaming!