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About this mod
Advanced Inner Sphere weapons and equipment. Global weapon rebalance with Mod Options.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Mod Options Soft-requirement - needed for in-game GUI to access the YAW settings. Yet Another Mechlab Soft-requirement - needed for weapon group ammo / mode switching (Ctrl+WeaponGroup number above QWE). Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
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- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Author notes
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File credits
Navid A1 for the complete Cooling Pod blueprint logic and various other things
MagnumGB for the weapon introduction date fix, the apply heat and NARC fix blueprints and various other things
Se1fD3struct1on ideas, beta testing and being a sounding board
balogm for beta testing
m3talpig for beta testingDonation Points system
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Name Epic Mods Steam Workshop - Changelogs
Version 2.2
- Added: override UI/Mech/HUD_Crosshair to improve rangefinder. Now it is max 5000m instead of vanilla 1250m.
- Added: more support for weapon visuals mods @ Merlock
- Added: MML-Artemis IV. Use old spread stats, Artemis ammo, +1t and +1crit slot size
- Changed: "old" MMLs are no longer Artemis. Changed ammo type, spread, gameplay tags accordingly.
- Added: Arrow IV Homing - now it can only fire at targets that are locked AND NARCed or TAGged. Decreased spread from 12 to 3m, AoE radius from 22.5m to 8m
- Changed: Arrow IV to High Explosive - much lower accuracy and zero homing capability, AoE radius 45m, spread 15m
- Changed: Arrow IV Ammo 10 -> 8/ton
- Changed: MRMs have improved spread mechanics. It is now always 4.5m after firing, spread quirks etc have no effect
- Fixed: MML Ammo Switch / Artemis and normal version ammo
- Fixed: Binary Laser SB short - long name swap
- Fixed: weapon group and ams enabled text color
- Changed: Weapon tag - HPS code (custom models) @ TePª
Version 2.1
- Added check to ClusterToiLogic Rare / Hero Mech spawner function - this should negate any orphaned UnitCards. Also updated rate equipment / weapon spawn logic
- Added support for color change in HUD_Weapon widget (for other mods changing the "Color" variable in HUD.uasset)
- Changed: YAW Binary Lasers to "Short Burst" stats compared to the new vanilla Blazers @ Justicier10-7
- Changed: Arrow IV missile speed from 250m/s to 200, turn rate from 100 to 180 - now it should be able to hit things more reliably under 800m range. Increased Spread from 8 to 12m
- Changed: Artillery weapons AoE damage - now it is always the reported weapon damage.
- Changed: All Artillery type weapons have proxy fuse - range is damage/4 meters.
- Changed: Artillery weapons - they now have a minimum range, under that the AoE explosion will not happen at all - 150m for Cannons, 200m for Artillery
- Changed: Artillery weapons - no more Min Range, Range, Damage and Velocity bonus by Tier, only Cooldown and Heat. Global Overrides don't affect Range.
- Changed: HUD widget range - Artillery and all missiles will now show MIN|MAX range
- Changed: Ballistic Artillery velocities
Version 2.0
- Added: Compatible with DLC6 / Game version 1.1.354. Will not work with earlier version!
- Updated: ClusterToiLogic to include changes in game version 1.1.354
- Updated: YAW Binary Laser name (Binary Laser YAW / B Laser YAW)
- Updated: YAW Binary Laser stats (damage: 16 -> 18, heat: 11 -> 14, duration: 1.2 -> 1.6, cooldown: 5.25 -> 7.0, cost: 400k -> 200k base)
Version 1.9
- Added unique tags for weapon variants (Inferno, MagPulse etc)
- Halved damage vs mech armor for all Machineguns and MagShot Gauss (only if YAML is active)
- Increased MRM damage from 1.0 to 1.2 / missile
- Increased Arrow IV minimum range to 300m
Version 1.8
- Added: ModOptions multiplier for YAW Artillery weapons explosion (aoe) radius
- Added: support for YAML's Mechlab Levels (some weapons need higher mechlab levels to install / uninstall)
- Changed: rebalanced X-Pulse lasers according to MWO's new weapons (much shorter duration, cd and lower damage). Kept the increased range (same as non-pulse s/m/l lasers)
- Changed: improved Arrow IV accuracy, increased min range to 300m
- Changed: improved YAW Artillery weapons environmental damage behavior (2x range, 2x damage)
Version 1.7.2
- Fixed YAML cooldown quirks not applying to Ultra ACs (just added a Delay:1.5s to wait for mech setup)
Version 1.7.1
- Fixed projectile override multipliers not applying to PPCs / Plasma / MRMs
Version 1.7
- Added proper tags / visuals for Light Autocannons
- Fixed HUD widget for weapons that have special cooldown or other property (initial "SRM-Art" fixed)
- Fixed ClusterToiLogic not spawning rare weapons
Version 1.6
- Compatible with DLC4 update for game version 1.1.335
- Added Nasumirayne's Double Ammo UI icons
- Changed Ultra ACs: when used by AI they have lower CD (because AI does not doubletap them), depending on tier they can fire 2 to 3x faster
- Moved Ultra AC cooldown logic to default Cooldown component - now it applies to all Ultra Autocannons, including ones for other mods (if they use the default Cooldown component and have Weapon.Ballistic.AutoCannon.Ultra tag)
- Changed MagShot Gauss (cd: 1.0 -> 1.5s, heat: 0.5 -> 0.75 / shot, optimal range 270m -> 180m)
- Changed all Artillery (Ballistic) ammo: -20% ammo for all types
Version 1.5
- Added: moved double ammo bins for vanilla and YAW weapons from trueg's Equipment Collection (not lore accurate - support for Lore Abiding Citizen toggle in YAML will come later for them)
- Changed: Arrow IV velocity 400 -> 250m/s, missile turn rate 125 -> 100, higher trajectory.
- Changed: Arrow IV cooldown: 8 -> 10s, ammo 16/t -> 10/t
- Changed: Ray_RISCH and Ray_XLLaser exceptions (sound in trace emitter) (Clan Invasion)
- Changed: Improved Heavy Gauss optimal range is shown as max range now (since it's the same for it, having no damage drop) on HUD via WeaponEmitter_Projectile. Does not apply to tooltip (that's YAML).
- Fixed: Arrow IV Tier3 upgrade (Tier4 had incorrect Tier setting)
- Fixed: ASRM and TBolt missile short names (space before the number)
- Fixed: all missile weapon names
- Fixed: Plasma Rifle half ammo amount (20)
Version 1.4
- Added: filter in ClusterToiLogic to not spawn items with "fixed" property (Gladiator armor etc) (only when YAML is active)
- Changed: rebalanced Arrow IV (cooldown: 6 -> 8s, speed 300 -> 400m/s, missile turn rate 100 -> 125). More balancing later.
- Changed: Silver Bullet Gauss from 15 to 20 pellets to account for the increase in LBX Cluster weapons damage. Increased spread from 2.5m to 4m
- Changed: RAC to use jam chance multiplier quirks from YAML. New stats: RAC2: 7s heat bar, 3s jam time, RAC5: 5s heat bar, 4s jam time. Also Tier jam bonuses apply now (T5: -50% jam chance). Weapon tier also affects max heat bar length up to +3s Changed: RAC weapondata stats: max jam chance: starting jam chance (affected by quirks) per shot. 0.00125, 0.0025, 0.00334, 0.005 for RAC/2/5/10/20 according to old (fixed) code. min jam chance: heat bar timer (was fixed 5s, now 5s for rac5, 7s for rac2). Jam clear time: was fixed 3s, now controlled by weapondata (rac2: 3s, rac5: 4s). Jam chance is affected by quirks now, heat bar is affected by weapon tier (was 5s fixed, now for a tier5 rac2 with it should be +3s (t5) and = 10s.
- Changed: weapon emitters code to be more efficient
- Changed: rebalanced all weapons share cost
- Fixed: Improved NARC now applies to non-mech units
Version 1.3
- Changed: ammo: RAC2: 700->840/t, RAC5: 280->330/t
- Changed: simplified trace and missile emitters code
- Fixed: Machinegun damage multiplier (Ballistic Damage) not applying properly in the emitter
Version 1.2
- Added: ThunderBolt missiles /5 /10 /15 /20 (made by Silby / from trueg's eqiupment mod)
- Added: Mod Option to turn off inverted cooldown bars (revert to MW5 vanilla) might be a bit buggy if its turned off, needs to re-init HUD so a mech switch is needed
- Changed: artillery weapon sizes (15 to 20 crits) to take advantage of YAML's new Crit Splitting capability. This might invalidate some existing loadouts.
- Changed: decreased Arrow IV cooldown from 8 to 6s, minimum range from 300 to 200m, single missile (no longer 5-shot stream), lowered spread to 5.5m
- Changed: removed minimum range for arty cannons (didn't have an effect - apparently it's not used for ballistics)
- Changed: increased Delay in all WeaponEmitters BeginPlay from 0.5s to 1s to fix the emitter not always correctly reading YAW settings at init
- Changed: increased Plasma Rifle ammo 20->40, Heavy Gauss 13->16 per ton
- Changed: Long Tom Arty / Cannon, Sniper Arty have min mech tonnage requirement now (80/70t), can't be installed on arms (only with YAML)
- Changed: Heavy and Improved Heavy Gauss cant be installed on arms (only with YAML)
- Changed: Arty weapons do double damage vs structures
- Fixed: artillery weapons impact effects and sounds
Version 1.1
- Changed Inferno / MagPulse / Plasma Rifle heat application (Heat Interface)
- Added ModOptions for Inferno / MagPulse / Plasma Rifle heat and all arty weapons damage multiplier.
Version 1.02
- Fixed LBX ammo switch (editor reinstall messed up some stuff).
Version 1.01
- Changed LBX and SRM stats to be in line with DLC3 (increased SRM cooldown, increased LBX Cluster damage by 30% via more pellets).
- Increased LBX spread by 25%. Increased SRM4 and 6 variants (streak, advanced, etc) cooldown.
- Reduced X-Pulse Lasers heat by 30% like vanilla Pulse Lasers. Decreased Blazer heat from 12 to 11.
- Decreased Ultra AC/5 cooldowns to 1.5s and damage to 5.5 Increased Ultra AC/2 velocity.
- Fixed Magshot Gauss (tag) not it's visible again in inventories.
Version 1.00
- Updated ClusterToiLogic so Melee weapons will properly spawn as Rare weapons as well
- Fix Arrow impact effect! invisible in game (hopefully)
- Moved around a lot of weapon tags so they work better with YAML quirks (ArtemisMissiles, etc) using trueg's remap code. Now most stuff has its own proper tag (Weapon.Missile.LRM.LRM20.MRM40 -> Weapon.Missile.MRM.MRM40) etc. The new, cleaned up tags ini is in the source.
Version 0.99.16
- Quickfix for broken Magshot gauss. Added Light Gauss effects.
Version 0.99.15
- Implemented YAML External Interface. Now supported weapons' (LBX, MML and IXP Laser for now) mode can be switched with CTRL-1-6 via weapon groups from DerivedMech in YetAnotherMechlab. Updated MML and RAC emitters. Changed all LBX autocannons' names to new naming scheme: LBX/10-SLD and LBX/10-CLU for Solid and Cluster.
- Added mode switch to all LBX Autocannons (cluster and solid slug). This requires Yet Another Mechlab (the switch function) Old SLD variants will default to Solid Slug mode, base variants to Cluster. Use the existing (universal) ammo. Mode change via YAML interface (Ctrl-1-6 for the weapon groups).
- Added Improved Large X-Pulse Laser. Intro date: 3072.In default Long Range mode it has similar behavior as a Large X-Pulse Laser. In Short Range mode it halves range but also decreases cooldown and generated heat by 25%, halves pulsed beam duration and increases damage by 50%. Not canon, just for fun. Default keybind: Delete (YAW_XLaserModeSwitch). Intro date: 3072. Tier1 DPS: 2.5/6.8 HPS: 2.1/2.8. Balancing is up to debate. AI should auto-switch modes.
- Fixed MML keybind (still default K), if it was broken.
Version 0.99.14
- Note: config settings have been moved to Mod Options (game.ini). You will have to set them to your liking. From now on, you'll need Bobbert's ModOptions mod to edit them in-game. Most options can be changed in-mission. Some settings need game restart. This will need YAML 0.9.4 or newer to show on YAML tooltips. Note: new default settings are based on MWO (projectile velocity, weapon ranges, ballistic damage falloff).
- Added mod-specific persistent actor to make some functions possible. Added tag replacement code from trueg, so now weapons can have completely custom tags and link those to existing weapon tags so they appear with their correct models by appending the tag maps to the HPS files. Example: ATM9 missile, want to look like an existing LRM10: Weapon.ArtemisMissile.ATM.ATM9 -> map to Weapon.ArtemisMissile.LRM.LRM10 so it always appears as an LRM Artemis 10 on the mechs.
- Changed MMLs, ArrowIV, Advanced SRMs to Artemis (tags) so they work correctly with Artemis bonuses from other mods. Changed MagShot Gauss model to AC2. Added options: no artillery (artillery weapons intro date set to 9000), missile drop vs destruction at max range Fixed Silver Bullet Gauss long name
Version 0.99.13
- Changed missiles so they always self-destruct at max range. No more SRM-lobbing at 700m (projectile.uasset).
- Decreased Snub and Light PPC cooldown to 4s
- Fixed ballistic weapon (gauss, ac) damage drop not applied properly (from ini).
- Minor fix to Clan burst fire and all Ultra AC sounds in weaponemitter. The AK will be stopped after 0.4s, thus not overload the audio system and go mute for a few seconds if too many sounds are played. Now all burst weapons should have all their fire sounds.
- Added spread quirk to all Cluster LB-X cannons (T2-T5: -10, 15, 20, 30%) like vanilla LB10X
- Minor fixes to various weapon descriptions.
Version 0.99.12
- Added visual feedback for Ultra ACs (IS and Clan from YAW/YAWC) for remaining shots before CD
- Fixed global overrides stacking on missiles (damage, heat etc) depending on tube count
- Updated config - now it's possible to turn off cooldown sound events with a bool (DisableCoodownWoopWoopYesNo(bool):1) - the other mod (Disable Cooldown Sounds) is no longer needed as long as the weapon(s) use the base weaponemitters or are children of them (trace, projectile, missile) Updated some weapon sounds
- Mod plugin needs YetAnotherWeaponClan source to pack successfully in the editor now (probably?) due to reference to Clan Ultra cooldown component
Version 0.99.11
- Added support for Coyote's Missions in ClusterToiLogic.uasset - now the mod load order (YetAnotherWeapon and CoyoteMissions) does not matter, both include the same fixes Hopefully fixed the Rare Equipment (ECM) bug, where the starmap / homescreen shows equipment but it's not in the market (added intro date check to vanilla logic) into the same asset
- Added Opt|Max range to RANGE on HUD Weapon Changed RAC heat bar ramp down to half of ramp up (takes twice as long to cool down as it takes to heat up) Improved RAC numeric heat % (no longer jumping to 0% randomly), repositioned to the left of the CD bar, now shows H: 0% PPC Capacitor charge is shown as C: 100% like RAC heat %
- Fixed Machine Gun Array sizes - x2 is 3slots, x4 is 5slots. After years, they are now the correct size (thanks Silby :) ). Warning: this might invalidate some builds. Size=number of mgs (1slot each) + 1slot for the array itself Fixed Arrow IV share cost Changed Arty weapons - all have the same min/max range now (Artillery: 200/5000m, Cannon: 100/1000m), changed prices
- Changed weapon range feedback: if target is in optimal range, it's white, if within optimal-max it's yellow, below min or over max range it's grayed out (like MWO) (Silby's idea, I dig it)
Version 0.99.10
- Added: override HUD_Weapon widget, to support new features (RAC heat bar).
- Added: Inverse Cooldown Bars. Now weapon bars are empty when ready to fire, cooldown goes from 100% to 0%
- Updated Artemis missile paths - now they are back to vanilla, always with high trajectory
- Updated / re-made MML logic and weapon stats. They should behave much nicer now, both on GUI and with stats. Removed GUI widget - now the weapon entry in the HUD shows the actually selected ammo. AI will switch ammo depending on target range. MMLs require SRM or LRM Artemis ammo now. Spread stats for Artemis are already included in the MML weapons. Will auto-switch ammo if the currently selected is depleted (if alternate ammo is available)
- Updated / re-made RAC logic. Now it has a heat bar plus a heat % instead of Cooldown, once it reaches 100% (5 seconds of constant firing) it'll get an increasing chance to jam for 3s (depending on RAC class - /2 /5 /10 /20. When not firing (or jammed), the heat bar cools down to 0%. AI will shoot RACs in 10-shot bursts, player can singleshot
- Fixed MML Ammo Switching. Default key is K, can be re-bonded now if YetAnotherMechlab or Bobbert's ModOptions is active. Probably won't work for coop players.
- Disconnected projectile weapon muzzle effects from fire emitter (Projectile.uasset override). Now they don't stick to the barrel. If experiencing problems with other weapon mods that manipulate Projectile.uasset, set their load order higher.
- Updated all weapons with cooldown sounds.
- Fixed ClusterToiLogic not correctly filtering Clan weapons before their intro date (affects the Clan weapon mod).
- Fixed LB20X and MML9 crit slot size.
Version 0.99.9
- Updated for DLC2 (game version 1.1.303).
- Updated SRM Inferno descriptions. They already did damage to non-Mech targets, just forgot to make it known.
- Updated Artemis missile paths a bit (when no LOS, they work like normal LRMs with high ballistic paths, when LOS, they should have a flatter path).
- Updated AMS ammo - now it won't explode, and has 1000 more shots / t.
- Removed Inferno missile ammo.
- Updated MRM sound, Capacitor PPC 2nd cooldown, Blazer beam and MML tracking in LRM mode.
- Removed Mine Launcher ammo.
- Fixed iNARC and LRM-Magpulse properties.
- Minor update - added ClusterToiLogic with additional checks for intro date and LosTech items.
- Minor update for Ultra AC/5 refire limit and MRM fire sound.
- Minor update for some weapon slot sizes (S/M/L).
- Updated Artillery fire / impact sounds.
- Removed Mine Launchers.
- Hotfix for weapon sounds. Thank you @Capt Sharazad for helping with testing them.
Version 0.99.8
- Updated for DLC
Version 0.99.7
- Updated WeaponEmitter_Missile. Missiles are affected by global overrides now (Ballistic heat, damage, optimal range). Stream missiles have better sounds now (one sound per missile). Fixed Artemis and ATM fligh path when there's LoS to locked target + fixed LoS check logic.
- Changed Ultra AC max shots before forced cooldown - now they have (tier+3)/2 shots, rounded down (so T5 has 4 shots, T3-4 3 shots etc) to a minimum of 2.
- Added optimal range global modifier support for MRMs. Changed MRM destruction logic - now they immediately explode on reaching max(optimal) range instead of set lifetime. Changed MRM fire sound.
- Increased Light Gauss damage to 10 and velocity to 2200, CD from 2.6 to 3.0s. Improved Heavy Gauss will never have damage drop. Decreased Silver Bullet Gauss spread. Decreased LBX2,5,20 spread. Changed LBX2 to use 3 slots instead of 4.
- Fixed Cap PPC tags / LosTech status.
- LAMS turns off when mech is shut down (no more overheat loop). Decreased LAMS heat from 3 to 2/s. Note: vanilla AMS keeps shooting when mech is shut down. Increased AMS ammo to 5000/t and removed ammo explosion.
- Plasma rifle updated. Now it deals +100% damage to non-Mech targets. Fixed spread (had none).
- Inferno missiles updated. Now they deal 2 damage to non-Mech targets. MagPulse missiles updated. Now the affected Mechs have even lower accuracy.
- Changed Advanced SRM flight paths / simplified logic. Now they have a flat, lock-capable LRM flight path, and they don't seek components when locked (no Streak logic).
- Changed RISC Hyper Laser. Now it is a continous beam, and ramps up damage per sec to 200% and heat generated per sec to 160% after one second of firing. Resets after 2s of not firing.
Version 0.99.6
- Tinkering with missiles. Artemis LRMs (IS and Clan LRMs, ATMs) have a flatter flight path if there's line of sight to the locked target.
- Added Advanced SRM (non-canon, uses Streak ammo and lockon, can be fired without lockon as Artemis SRMs, from 3072).
- Fixed missile weapons not updating ammo use on HUD (thank you MagnumGB for the solution and johnny for reporting) and Clan LRM damage under minimum range.
Version 0.99.5
- Added Magshot Gauss.
- Fixed artillery weapons impacts and sounds (Arrow IV).
- Changed RACs to shoot bursts (10 shots) instead of singleshot. AI should be able to use them now properly. Fixed spread.
- Changed ER Medium Laser optimal range from 405m to 360m.
- Added config-file based modifiers to change all laser and projectile weapons. Check readme and config file in C:\MW5yaw\ to change weapon ranges and stuff. Basically a global rebalance. Will only apply in-mission, not in the Mechlab!
Version 0.99.4
- Added Multi-Missile Launchers (MML3, 5, 7, 9) with HUD support. Use keyboard "K" to switch between SRM and LRM ammo and weapon stats (missile path, lock-on, damage, etc). More ammo types (Inferno and MagPulse) maybe later.
- Added RISC Hyper-Laser. It explodes when destroyed (20 damage), and scrambles HUD when fired.
- All weapons come in T1-5 variants.
Version 0.99.3
- Set Arrow IV missiles to be immune to AMS. Be careful of the UM-AIV.
- Fixed Artillery weapons' tags (Arrow IV, Long Tom, Sniper, Thumper). They should not be replaced with AC20 or LRM5 on enemy mechs from now on.
- Implemented charge logic for Capacitor PPCs. Charge can be interrupted and length is half of normal cooldown. Capacitor adds the +damage and +heat (compared to normal PPCs) while charging.
Version 0.99.2
- Removed Mech Special Abilities - moved into standalone mod for better compatibility (headlights, Cool Shot, Arty Strike).
- Reset Ultra ACs to 2 shots before forced cooldown.
- Increased RAC ammo, now 1 ton is 420 damage.
- Fixed Laser AMS description.
- Removed overrides for Tank.uasset and AbstractMech.uasset for better compatibility. Tanks will no longer activate proximity mines (no overlap in vanilla tanks).
- Fixed RACs having 0 range
- Fixed Heatbanks and Compact Heatsinks not appearing on markets
Version 0.99
- Finished Laser AMS - no longer needs ammo!
- Created proper Cool Shot. Requires Coolant Pod (ammo) equipment installed. Activate with INSERT key. Only works for host in coop.
- Created Artillery Strike. Requires Artillery Strike (ammo) equipment installed. Activate with HOME key. Only works for host in coop.
- Added High Explosive and EMP Mine Launchers. Deployed mines have proximity sensor. EMP mines cause an immediate overheat shutdown on if Override is not enabled, and add 10 heat to affected Mechs.
- Added EMP Mine Launcher, Arrow IV and Snub-Nose PPCs to the LosTech list. They can spawn before their (re)introduction date as Rare weapons.
- Increased chance to spawn DHS at markets from 30% to 40%. Added 10% chance to spawn 1-2 damaged DHS before their (re)introduction date at 10* price (120000).
- Fixed Binary Laser intro date (2812). Updated Artillery explosion effects for all arty weapons.
- Warning - this will disable the No Friendly Fire mod, as both modify the same file (AbstractMech).
- Decreased chance of RAC jams.
- Thank you @Phoenix Mercer for betaing.
- Thank you @Yrrot and @Oraeon1224 and everyone else for all the help.
Version 0.98.8
- Increased Inferno missile heat by 50%.
- Included a modified version of Navid A1's ProgressionFunctionLib - now Compact Heatsinks and Heat Banks will spawn at the market (industrial hubs only, after intro date).
- Included a modified ClusterToiLogic, now Rare weapons won't spawn before their intro date (except Lostech, like Gauss, LBX10, UAC/5 and so on).
- Updated WeaponEmitter_Trace to limit laser fire sound length to beam duration.
- Nerfed all machineguns' damage to MWO levels (-33%). Increased max range to optimal range*1.5 with damage drop. Halved damage and range bonus for all tiers.
- Removed beam version of Plasma Rifles.
- Other minor fixes.
Version 0.98.7
- Implemented cooldown bar and jamming mechanics for RACs.
- After 20 shots it'll get an increasing chance to jam, with length and chance based on shots fired. Reduced heat generation by 20% for all RACs. Tightened spread for RAC/5.
- Updated UAC/10 and /20 with new sound and ammo behavior.
- UAC/10 shoots twice in a burst, UAC/20 shoots three times. All shots consume ammo. Adjusted ammo amounts accordingly (2x and 3x).
Version 0.98.6
- Implemented MagnumGB's fix for the weapon fire sounds degrading performance over time. No more 30-40 fps drop after 4-5k shots fired!
- Updated RACs to have better impact effects and sound.
- Fixed T5 RACs having op stat quirks.
Version 0.98.5
- Coop fix for UAC cooldown effect. Credit goes to @yrrot.
Version 0.98.4
- Limit UltraAC weapons to ONE extra shot during cooldown before forcing a full uninterruptible cooldown.
- This one shot during cooldown might still jam the weapon (10-20% chance, based on cooldown bar, duration depends on UAC class).
Version 0.98.3
- Fixed MagPulse missiles T1+ versions not adding heat/sensor jam effect.
Version 0.98.2
- Fixed Infernos.
Version 0.98.1
- Un-fixed weapon intro date fix, because it turned out to be broken when used on its own. And broke my editor, too. Now market weapon logic is back to completely vanilla.
- Added Inferno SRMs (DoT 2 heat / missile over a 5 second period).
Version 0.98
- Added Magnetic Pulse Warhead missile launchers (SRM2-6, LRM5-20). Adds heat to target and scrambles targeting / accuracy for 8s. Applies a NARCed tag to target while active (but no missile spread modifier).
- Added Improved NARC. Might be a bit OP (0.5 spread modifier for 45s, can lock-on and has very low guidance).
- Increased Arrow IV minimal range to 300m.
- Fixed weapon intro date for all tiers (thank you MagnumGB).
Version 0.97
- Expanded Artillery items (Long Tom, Sniper and Thumper, both Cannon and Artillery variants).
- Existing Long Tom Cannon has its stats adjusted (damage, range, weight, etc). Long Tom Artillery has its previous properties.
- Might need balancing. They are a gimmick anyway :)
Version 0.96
- Added Hypervelocity Autocannons /2 /5 /10. Higher range and projectile velocity, but more heat and weight and less ammo.
- Fixed ER Medium and Small laser appearance (weapon tag).
- Included MagnumGB's NARC fix (with his permission) - now NARCs actually apply the spread modifier! (0.7)
Version 0.95.1
- Nerfed Coolant Pods, added T3 and T5 variants. New values for duration/effect: T1: 6s/75%, T3: 7s/80%, T5: 8s/85%.
- Removed Tier 0 variants of all new weapons (because they became available before their intro date due to being considered LosTech).
- Added Compact Heat Sink. Heat Banks apparently don't work - if the heatsink/bank item has no dissipation value, it won't add the capacity.
Version 0.95
- Added Machine Gun Arrays 2 and 4 (Normal, Light and Heavy), ER and Heavy Flamers, all Tiers.
- Increased Gatling MG weight to 1.5t.
- Fixed MRM missile "hanging in the air" at max range. Changed MRM and RL appearance.
- Added Coolant Pods (please read description).
- Thank you Navid A1 for the coolant logic blueprint and Se1fD3struct1on for testing.
Version 0.94.1
- Fixed Cap PPC descriptions.
Version 0.94
- Changed Ultra ACs to have a flat 15% chance to jam (was 0-30% depending on CD bar), with each UAC having fixed jam time (UAC2 to 20: 3, 5, 6.25, 7.5s).
- Significantly increased AMS and LAMS missile destruction rate (about 50% for each Tier) and range (+50m for each Tier). A single T1 AMS or LAMS can deal with 6-7 LRMs.
- Created custom LAMS blueprint - it will generate heat while active. Needs "LAMS Adapter" ammo equipment to function because of the way MW5 manages AMS effects.
- Added Capacitor PPCs: +5 damage, +4 heat, +1 size and weight. Explodes. Increased SNPPC projectile speed. Cap PPCs explode when destroyed, doing the same damage as their Tier1 version.
- Added custom projectiles for PPCs (size based on damage).
- Fixed T5 UAC/5 damage bonus quirk from 75% to 30% as it should have been.
Version 0.93
- Added projectile version of Plasma Rifle (Plasma Rifle P).
- Changed Gatling Machine Gun to have UAC/2 model and increased size to 2 slots.
Version 0.92
- Added Binary Lasers and Gatling Machine Guns.
- Buffed RACs (delay 0.15 -> 0.12s).
Version 0.91
- Nerfed Plasma Rifle heat damage from 15 to 10. Added different ray effect (huge purple-ish beam like a giant laser).
- Fixed Plasma Rifle save editor xml entry.
- Changed Ultra ACs - UAC/2 and 5 are single-shot pinpoint damage 2 and 5 per shot respectively. UAC/20 is 3-shot burst, 0.1s delay. Changed sounds accordingly.
Version 0.90
- Initial release
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Yet Another Weapon
*Compatible with DLC6 v1.1.361*
YAML Discord:
Use Bobbert's Mod Options to set variables.
Standalone weapon pack that contains all weapons from the Yet Another Mech mod. Has mostly all weapons up to 3070, including all LBX, Ultra, Rotary and Light Autocannons, Light, Heavy and Snub Nose PPCs, Silver Bullet, Light, Heavy, Improved Heavy Gausses, MRMs, Streak SRMs, ER and X-Pulse Lasers, Light and Heavy Machine Guns, Long Tom and Arrow IV Artillery.
Compatible with most if not all mods.
Overrides vanilla weapon emitters. Has the sound fix for weapons (FPS degrading fix) built in.
0.99.15 and newer: LBX mode switch (cluster / solid slug) is available via Yet Another Mechlab only. Controls -> weapon mode per group. Default is Control+1.6 for each weapon group.
If keybinds do not work, try deleting input.ini in %localappdata%\MW5Mercs \ blabla \WindowsNoEditor
0.99.14 and newer:
Global weapon balance and override config moved to game.ini, accessible via Bobbert's Mod Options (damage, heat, range, etc):
All settings can be now changed and immediately applied in-mission. Default settings now resemble MechWarrior Online stats (ranges, damage falloff etc).
Config file for global weapon rebalance is in Mods\YAW_Config.ini. Here you can change characteristics for your weapons (damage, heat, range, etc). Applies to all vanilla and YetAnotherWeapon/Clan weapons, or any weapon mod that uses the vanilla emitters.
AoE weapons (Artillery weapons, Arrow IV missile) damage is not counted, and always applies even with friendly fire off or godmode on. If you don't like this, don't use them.
Recommended / compatible mods:
Yet Another Weapon
Yet Another Weapon Clan
Scary Tanks (you might want to wait with enabling this one until you have at least 150-200t worth of lance)
Unlock Hidden Color Schemes
Remove JumpShip Animation
TTRulez_AIMod (Oraeon1224)
vonBiomes (vonSeiten)
MWO Replacement Style HUD (HoneyPepper)
SMMO (Jgood121)
42's Mechs Of Beauty (42and19)
MW5 Rebalance Mission Changes (Paladinj01)
MW5 Rebalance Economy (Paladinj01)
Repair Bays (Bobbert)
Coyotes Mission Pack (Coyotekins)
Lore-based Mech Variants YAML-Edition (Mace24de)
More Career Starts (Suivil) has YAML compatible version.
330's Pilot Overhaul (Wpnx330)
Camo Spec 2.0 (TheChosenOfMods)
Also works with my separate mods (Remove JumpShip Animation, Unlock Hidden Color Schemes, Max Level Unique Pilots).
Unpack the YetAnotherWeapon folder in the zip to your MW5Mercs\Mods directory.
Note for LAMS:
No ammo needed. It just works. Thank you for the idea, MagnumGB!
Note for NARC fix:
As it turns out, the devs turned off the NARC beacon's spread modifier in the game engine. MagnumGB found a way to still make it work, with a custom blueprint applying TAG effect.
Improved NARC has much longer range, low level guidance (if lockon is achieved, it is very likely to hit the target, except for fast moving ones). It has increased effect length and missile spread modifier reduction.
Thank you, MagnumGB for the fix and the permission to include it in my mod.
Note for Ultra Autocannons:
Have custom HUD feedback (remaining shots before a forced full cooldown). Can fire multiple times before being forced in a full cooldown cycle, based on weapon tier (T0-2: 2x, T3-4: 3x, T5: 4x)
Note for Magnetic Pulse Warheads:
As their desctription states, they add heat to the hit mech, and scramble sensors. I do this by setting pilot behavior to "Recruit" and pilot weapon levels (Energy, Ballistic, Missile) to 1 for the duration. That's a big nerf to their accuracy. Needs testing - it works in the editor as intended. The heat spike property might be more important though. It shuts down enemy mechs pretty nicely.
As it needs a TAG effect to work properly, the sensor scrambling property will not work on TAGged or NARCed enemies.
Note for Rotary Autocannons:
Have custom HUD feedback (heat bar instead of cooldown) - over 100% heat, they get an increasing chance to jam for a few seconds.
AI fires in 10-shot bursts, player can fire single shots.
Note for Capacitor PPCs:
Have custom HUD feedback (Capacitor % next to CD bar), at first cooldown they act as normal PPCs of their type, then get the additional damage added based on capacitor charge.
Note for MMLs:
Default ammo switch key (K)
Have custom HUD feedback (selected ammo), AI will auto-switch based on target range and available ammo (SRM-Art or LRM-Art).
Weapon list and introduction dates:
RISC Hyper Laser: 3134
ASRMs, MagShot Gauss: 3072
ER Flamers: 3070
Gatling, Light, Heavy MGs, MG Arrays, Light Autocannons, Plasma Rifle, Heavy Flamer, MMLs: 3068
Snub-Nose, Light, Heavy PPCs and Capacitor variants: 3067
RAC/2, RAC/5, Improved NARC: 3062
Heavy, Improved Heavy Gauss: 3061
Capacitor ER and normal PPCs, UAC/20: 3060
Laser AMS, Hypervelocity AC /2 /5 /10: 3059
MRMs, Streak SRMs, ER Lasers, LBX5, LBX20, LBX2: 3058
Compact Heatsinks: 3058
X-Pulse Lasers, UAC/2, UAC/10, Light Gauss: 3057
Silver Bullet Gauss: 3051
Rocket Launchers, Magnetic Pulse Warheads: 3050
Coolant Pods: 3049
Arrow IV: 3044
Binary Laser: 2800
Long Tom: 2500
Mine Launcher: 2500
LosTech weapons
LosTech weapons can spawn on Industrial Hub markets as Rare weapons before their (re)introduction date.
Streak SRM2
Gauss Rifle (Standard)
Ultra Autocannon /5
LB10-X Autocannon
Small, Medium, Large Pulse Lasers
ER Large Laser
EMP Mine Launcher
Arrow IV
Snub Nose PPC
*Compatible with DLC6 v1.1.361*
YAML Discord:
Use Bobbert's Mod Options to set variables.
Standalone weapon pack that contains all weapons from the Yet Another Mech mod. Has mostly all weapons up to 3070, including all LBX, Ultra, Rotary and Light Autocannons, Light, Heavy and Snub Nose PPCs, Silver Bullet, Light, Heavy, Improved Heavy Gausses, MRMs, Streak SRMs, ER and X-Pulse Lasers, Light and Heavy Machine Guns, Long Tom and Arrow IV Artillery.
Compatible with most if not all mods.
Overrides vanilla weapon emitters. Has the sound fix for weapons (FPS degrading fix) built in.
0.99.15 and newer: LBX mode switch (cluster / solid slug) is available via Yet Another Mechlab only. Controls -> weapon mode per group. Default is Control+1.6 for each weapon group.
If keybinds do not work, try deleting input.ini in %localappdata%\MW5Mercs \ blabla \WindowsNoEditor
0.99.14 and newer:
Global weapon balance and override config moved to game.ini, accessible via Bobbert's Mod Options (damage, heat, range, etc):
All settings can be now changed and immediately applied in-mission. Default settings now resemble MechWarrior Online stats (ranges, damage falloff etc).
AoE weapons (Artillery weapons, Arrow IV missile) damage is not counted, and always applies even with friendly fire off or godmode on. If you don't like this, don't use them.
Recommended / compatible mods:
Yet Another Weapon
Yet Another Weapon Clan
Scary Tanks (you might want to wait with enabling this one until you have at least 150-200t worth of lance)
Unlock Hidden Color Schemes
Remove JumpShip Animation
TTRulez_AIMod (Oraeon1224)
vonBiomes (vonSeiten)
MWO Replacement Style HUD (HoneyPepper)
SMMO (Jgood121)
42's Mechs Of Beauty (42and19)
MW5 Rebalance Mission Changes (Paladinj01)
MW5 Rebalance Economy (Paladinj01)
Repair Bays (Bobbert)
Coyotes Mission Pack (Coyotekins)
Lore-based Mech Variants YAML-Edition (Mace24de)
More Career Starts (Suivil) has YAML compatible version.
330's Pilot Overhaul (Wpnx330)
Camo Spec 2.0 (TheChosenOfMods)
Also works with my separate mods (Remove JumpShip Animation, Unlock Hidden Color Schemes, Max Level Unique Pilots).
Unpack the YetAnotherWeapon folder in the zip to your MW5Mercs\Mods directory.
Note for LAMS:
No ammo needed. It just works. Thank you for the idea, MagnumGB!
Note for NARC fix:
As it turns out, the devs turned off the NARC beacon's spread modifier in the game engine. MagnumGB found a way to still make it work, with a custom blueprint applying TAG effect.
Improved NARC has much longer range, low level guidance (if lockon is achieved, it is very likely to hit the target, except for fast moving ones). It has increased effect length and missile spread modifier reduction.
Thank you, MagnumGB for the fix and the permission to include it in my mod.
Note for Ultra Autocannons:
Have custom HUD feedback (remaining shots before a forced full cooldown). Can fire multiple times before being forced in a full cooldown cycle, based on weapon tier (T0-2: 2x, T3-4: 3x, T5: 4x)
Note for Magnetic Pulse Warheads:
As their desctription states, they add heat to the hit mech, and scramble sensors. I do this by setting pilot behavior to "Recruit" and pilot weapon levels (Energy, Ballistic, Missile) to 1 for the duration. That's a big nerf to their accuracy. Needs testing - it works in the editor as intended. The heat spike property might be more important though. It shuts down enemy mechs pretty nicely.
As it needs a TAG effect to work properly, the sensor scrambling property will not work on TAGged or NARCed enemies.
Note for Rotary Autocannons:
Have custom HUD feedback (heat bar instead of cooldown) - over 100% heat, they get an increasing chance to jam for a few seconds.
AI fires in 10-shot bursts, player can fire single shots.
Note for Capacitor PPCs:
Have custom HUD feedback (Capacitor % next to CD bar), at first cooldown they act as normal PPCs of their type, then get the additional damage added based on capacitor charge.
Note for MMLs:
Default ammo switch key (K)
Have custom HUD feedback (selected ammo), AI will auto-switch based on target range and available ammo (SRM-Art or LRM-Art).
Weapon list and introduction dates:
RISC Hyper Laser: 3134
ASRMs, MagShot Gauss: 3072
ER Flamers: 3070
Gatling, Light, Heavy MGs, MG Arrays, Light Autocannons, Plasma Rifle, Heavy Flamer, MMLs: 3068
Snub-Nose, Light, Heavy PPCs and Capacitor variants: 3067
RAC/2, RAC/5, Improved NARC: 3062
Heavy, Improved Heavy Gauss: 3061
Capacitor ER and normal PPCs, UAC/20: 3060
Laser AMS, Hypervelocity AC /2 /5 /10: 3059
MRMs, Streak SRMs, ER Lasers, LBX5, LBX20, LBX2: 3058
Compact Heatsinks: 3058
X-Pulse Lasers, UAC/2, UAC/10, Light Gauss: 3057
Silver Bullet Gauss: 3051
Rocket Launchers, Magnetic Pulse Warheads: 3050
Coolant Pods: 3049
Arrow IV: 3044
Binary Laser: 2800
Long Tom: 2500
Mine Launcher: 2500
LosTech weapons
LosTech weapons can spawn on Industrial Hub markets as Rare weapons before their (re)introduction date.
Streak SRM2
Gauss Rifle (Standard)
Ultra Autocannon /5
LB10-X Autocannon
Small, Medium, Large Pulse Lasers
ER Large Laser
EMP Mine Launcher
Arrow IV
Snub Nose PPC