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Toothless Shark

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About this mod

Greatly expands options for missions generation.
Allows to increase maximum amount of missions in the system, change global min and max mission difficulties, increase % of systems in cluster that offer missions, unlock additional factions and change possible amount of missions in multi mission contracts.
Configurable in mod options.

Permissions and credits
Mod adds a lot of options to expand the way missions are generated.

Mod REQUIRES mod options mod to be configurable. Needs LATEST version of Mod Options (1.2).
Put mod options at the back of the load order. Has to be loaded after all other mods that use it.
In contrast MW5Compatibility mod (Pilot Overhaul uses it for example) needs to be loaded first.

Mod is also coop compatible. Only host needs to have it.

Version 2.0 note:
Mod's code has been completely rewritten and as a result it does work faster but it also has a lot more features/options so in the end you may end up with slower experience then before. Users with older machines are urged not to dial up all options but to do it gradually to see what their system can handle.
For most though, it should be stable experience.


Mod Option settings:

1) Mission Saturation


- Minimum number of missions per system: from 1 to 3. Default 1.
- Maximum number of missions per system: from 3 to 9. Default 3.
Allows user to set maximum amount of missions that can be generated in a single system.

- Percentage of mission systems per cluster: From 0.2 (20%) to 0.8 (80%). Default 0.5 (50%).
Sets the amount of systems in cluster that will have missions available.

- Maximum number of missions in multi mission contract: From 2 to 16. Default 4.
Sets a maximum amount of missions that can be included in a multi mission contact.

2) Missions Difficulty


- Minimum and maximum mission difficulty: -75 to 75. Default 0.
Changing these values will change difficulty variance for each mission compared to vanilla values.
1) Reducing minimum value and increasing maximum value will increase difficulty range for random missions.
2) Increasing both minimum and maximum values will increase difficulty of all random missions globally.
3)  Reducing both minimum and maximum values will reduce difficulty of all random missions globally.

3) Arena Settings

Options specific for DLC6 Arena combat.


- Maximum number of Solaris Arena missions: from 2 to 16. Default 4.
Game distinguishes 2 types of arenas - standard and primary. Primaries are located at specific places like Solaris and have different options then standard ones. This options sets maximum amount of Arena contracts in the primary Arena systems.

- Maximum number of Arena missions: from 2 to 8. Default 2.
Sets the maximum amount of Arena contracts in the standard Arena systems.

- Chance for Arena multi missions. From 0.1 (10%) to 0.8 (80%). Default 0.2 (20%).
Sets a chance that arena contract will be multi mission. It's basically a tournament type of mission with more then 1 round. All rounds are fought in the similar settings.

- Maximum number of rounds in Arena Tournaments. From 2 to 8. Default 2.
Sets maximum number of rounds Arena Tournament (multi mission) can have.

Note that Arena combat difficulty depends on reputation. Following 2 options have effect only on Arena Tournaments (multi missions). Standard single Arena combat will always use reputation system only.

Arena Tournament minimum and maximum difficulty. From -75 to 75. Default 0.
Works similar to standard min/max difficulty sliders but this one affects Arena Tournaments (multi missions).

4) Active Misc Factions

Allows Misc factions to be enabled/disabled


- Mercenaries
- Comstar
- Black Inferno (can only be mission target, never employer)

Important note about following features: 
The subfactions added in the next 3 options are for users that want more variety in contract employers/targets. They are handled by vanilla settings that this mod does not change in any way. That means that you may and usually get them to show up all wherever whenever and is in no way lore accurate. If you want more lore accurate experience i strongly recommend The Known Universe mod mentioned below. This mod is now fully compatible with The Known Universe so you can use both.

5)  Active Periphery Factions

Allows enabling/disabling Periphery faction and subfactions.
Note that disabling Periphery faction will disable ALL its subfactions as well.


- Periphery


- Illirian Palatinate.
- Lothian League
- Magistacy of Canopus
- Marian Hegemony
- Niops Association
- Rim Collection
- Fiefdom Of Randis

6) Active Pirate Factions

Allows enabling/disabling Pirate subfactions.


- Oberon Confederation
- Rantas Bandits
- Circinus Federation
- Elysian Fields
- Greater Valkyrate
- Morgraines Valkyrate
- Tortuga Dominions

7) Active Independent Factions

Allows enabling/disabling Pirate subfactions.


- Dutchy Of Andurien
- Interstellar Expeditions
- Lagom-Gumi
- St. Ives Compact
- Tikonov Free Republic

8) Factions Presence

- Great House presence as employers. From 1 to 20. Default 1.
Makes contracts where Great Houses are employers more frequent.

- Great House presence as mission targets: From 1 to 20. Default 1.
Makes contracts where Great Houses are targets more frequent.

- Faction presences: From 1 to 20. Default 1.
Makes contracts with specific factions more frequent
Factions are:
- Black Inferno
- Clans (works only if you use YACM mod, link and specifics below)
- Periphery (affects all subfactions as well)
- Comstar
- Mercs
- Independents (affects all subfactions as well)
- Pirates (affects all subfactions as well)

To change these settings go the the mod options menu (escape menu, options, tab to the right) and select Better Mission Choices on the left side.

Support for Yet Another Clan Mech

This mod has full support for yet another clan Mech (YACM). It will detect if YACM is active on the modlist and will spawn Clan Faction at appropriate date (3049). You need to have this mod load after YACM. Clans can only be mission targets.

If you don't have YACM installed no clans will spawn.

Support for The Known Universe

This mod now have full support for The Known Universe (KU) mod.

Mod makes map and its timeline more lore friendly with all clans, pirates, and other factions present on the map which ensures they don't show up just anywhere.

This mod detects if KU is active and will change its functionality to match.
Effects are:
- All subfactions for pirates, independents and periphery in this mod will disabled regardless of mod option settings. Those factions are present on the map at their proper place and disabling them just makes sure they only show up when and where they should lore wise.
- All Clans are present on the map in the KU, so this mod will let KU manage Clan faction and its subsidiaries. You get to see specific clan factions like Smoke Jaguar or Jade Falcon at their proper locations at proper time on the map. Clans will be both employers and targets with KU installed and missions of one clan against another clan are possible.
- Since most of the subfactions have presence on the map in KU, they are also treated as Great Houses. Means that sliders that increase Great House faction presence also have effect on those factions as well.

For anyone who wants their career games to be more lore accurate i strongly recommend getting The Known Universe mod.
Since this mod now includes all the necessary functionality for KU to work properly you need to load this mod AFTER KU so it overrides its MW5_TOI_Functions.


Mod if fully compatible with Coyote's missions mod. (highly recommended). 

Mod will override ClusterToiLogic from YAW mod (Yet Another Weapon). It's ok, YAW functionality is included in this mod. Make sure this mod overrides YAW to get functionality of both mods. Works without YAW installed as well. Same goes for YARW (Yet Another Revamped Weapon) mod as well.

It will also override MW5_TOI_Functions file from YACM mod. I added functionality to spawn clan missions at proper date if YACM is installed, let my mod override it.

Do note that if you install this mod mid game or change its values in mod options, then don't forget you need to travel far enough for new missions to generate and changes to take effect.

Mod is mostly compatible with Yet Another Clan Invasion, not 100% at this time unfortunately. Clan markets won't spawn, everything else works fine.

Make sure that no mod overrides files of this mod, it will break its functionality. Updating game to latest version is also recommended.

Thanks to Tep11 for help with making this mod compatible with The Known Universe.

Many thanks to DataKing (DK) for testing this mod.