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Or should I call it "Abnormal"?


  1. arach32
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    Man these new quad-'mechs are so fascinating -- truly insectile in feel (both this and the Revenant). "Hardened Armor", eh? I gotta try that.

    One thing I'm wondering is how your Scorpion fits so nicely in the bay -- mine are too big, and their legs kind of get scrunched awkwardly against the mech console and the sides of the bay, so that they get lifted up a few feet above the ground...

    Another cool video!
    1. z90502000
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      The size of Scorpion and Revenant has been fixed after the mod update. They are not such huge now.
    2. arach32
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Cool, TY! I must have some conflict or something overriding then, as I do have the latest version, but it's still too big :) I'll check my LO. Cheers!