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Jase and the Derivative Works members

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About this mod

Wields the weapons that Zero has carries throughout his maverick hunting days. His trusty Z-Saber and Z-Buster. With the bonus of DiVE Armor Iris's saber.

Permissions and credits
Wields the weapons that Zero has carries throughout his maverick hunting days. His trusty Z-Saber and Z-Buster. With the bonus of DiVE Armor Iris's saber.

WARNING: Each file has it's own mod folder so DO NOT PUT EVERYTHING IN AT THE SAME TIME.
Due to the game have no weapon skin option so I made these as variant, I could make the variants as new weapon but it'll end up being the same weapon anyway and might causing conflict which would make the game bug out.
Here's a list of what inside and duplicate mod.

Zero: Both Z-Busters are the same mod so DO NOT PUT THEM TOGETHER
Z-Buster Mk.II
Z-Buster Mk.III

Black Zero: Both Z-Busters are the same mod so DO NOT PUT THEM TOGETHER
(Black) Nightshade
Z-Buster Mk.II (Black)
Z-Buster Mk.III (Black)

Fake Zero: Both Z-Busters are the same mod from the Zero folder and Nightshade from Black Zero folder so DO NOT PUT THEM TOGETHER
(Fake) Nightshade
Z-Buster Mk.II (Fake)
Z-Buster Mk.III (Fake)

DiVE Armor Iris: Both sabers are the same mod so DO NOT PUT THEM TOGETHER
Justice Love (Normal)
Justice Love (Wings)

Credit to NØNE/Dragon for the model of DAI Saber's Wing model, Z-Buster MK.II and it's many textures. Django for Colonel's Shockwave model fixed. And 暗夜極風 for the templates used in these weapons. Yeon for the new Crescent Sword model and Tanaka for the new Lightning Bullets.