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About this mod

Celebrate the 18th anniversary of MegaMan Starforce with these skins for the X Dive characters!

Permissions and credits
So today, December 14th, celebrates 18 years since the first Starforce game released in Japan (ignore the mod's release date I had personal stuff).
This skin pack ironically is not for the Starforce characters (although you are certain to see some in the near future!) but for the original X Dive characters; Rico, Ico, Eroetir, Angelpoitr, Droitclair, and Via. These skins are basically supposed to be these characters cosplaying as their favorite Starforce character. Rico and Ico are in their Christmas forms to also celebrate the holiday.

Follow the standard instructions for skin mods.
All skins include arts.


- Christmas Rico as Luna Platz: Rico as Luna here sports a cozy sweater-ified version of her standard attire, Rico has always admired Luna's "go-getter" attitude and is a solid Luna x Geo stan. The arts depict a gift being given to Ico, as well as Luna debating which version of Starforce 3 is better, which is a discussion Rico regrettably started. "WHY would you choose the version based on the freak that KILLED ME?!"

- Christmas Ico as Queen Virgo: Ico has always admired Tia as a peer. The two women are extremely similar in personality and would find a comfort solace between each other. Animation depicts the Virgo constellation and the gift Rico/Luna gave to her.

- Eroetir as Hope Stellar: they're both milfs Eroetir appreciates Hope as a mother and aspires to be as patient and loving as she has been to Geo during the rough depression he went through.

- Angelpoitr as Zack Temple: I hate this fucker.

- Via as Ken Suther: relaxed surfer types attract. Via just found Ken to be a cool guy.

- Droitclair as Bud Bison: She secretly enjoys food just as much as Bud does while also admiring his ability to step up and help the Wave Warriors when given the opportunity. Taurus, Bud's EM Wave being, replaces her ghostly friend.