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About this mod

Swaps Quiet for Kazuhira Miller (Ground Zeroes version) in gameplay and cutscenes.

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Inspired by all the MGSV mod videos on YouTube.
Using it, you can swap Quiet for Kaz model from Ground Zeroes in gameplay and the majority of cutscenes.
I was going to test the mod throughout the game, but decided to post it now because people on Tumblr who saw my sneak picks were eager to try this out.
If you notice any major bugs and issues, let me know. I may be able to fix them (or not, I'm just starting to figure modding out).
As for minor bugs, they're unavoidable, since the swapped models are developed different and don't have identical parameters and abilities (the handcuffs sink into the skin, the model does not disappear when Quiet's model does).
Unfortunately, I was unable to make the model wear the iconic sunglasses. This regret will be haunting me now :)

I would recommend using the Mute Quiet's Humming mod alongside this one. This one made my MGSV experience way mode enjoyable (especially when the model is swapped).

Let's make MSF great again, Boss!