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About this mod

This mod will replace Venom Snake's Fatigues with the XOF Outfit and 56 camos.

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This mod will replace Venom Snake's Fatigues (Either the Naked, Standard or Scarf Fatigues) with the XOF Outfit and 56 camos.
There are also Compatibility Versions that will install replace the Standard and the Scarf Fatigues with my other Fatigues mods (that will be posted soon): XOF + Tatical Fatigues, XOF + NS Fatigues.

The Files are these:

00 XOF Fatigues over Naked Fatigues: Will replace the Naked Fatigues. This version is the least likely to have Compatibility Issues.
01 XOF Fatigues over Standard Fatigues: Will replace the Standard Fatigues.
02 XOF Fatigues over Scarf Fatigues: Will replace the Standard Fatigues
Compatibility Versions:

-03 XOF & Tactical Fatigues
: Will replace the Standard Fatigues with the XOF Outfit and the Scarf Fatigues with the Tactical Outfit made by EtsuRiot and all 56 camos by me. (Standalone Tactical Fatigues Page).

This version has TWO FILES inside. By Default, the Tactical Outfit will have a Bionic arm. You'll have to install the included file 03b Human Arm for Tactical Fatigues (Scarf) if you want this outfit to have the Human arm.

-04a XOF & NS Fatigues: Will replace the Standard Fatigues with the XOF Outfit and the Scarf Fatigues with the Naked Snake Fatigues mod with all 56 camos made by me. (The NS Fatigues Standalone mod will be posted shortly). The Naked Snake Fatigues will have a Bionic Arm. The Human Arm Add-on for the NS Fatigues can be downloaded HERE.

Note of small issue: Sometimes on the sortie prep screen, when you change directly from one camo to the other, the game will not load the new camo. To solve that you must "force" the game to load the new camo by choosing another outfit or another head and then choosing the outfit you wanted. It is annoying at first but you'll get used to it.

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