Mod articles

  • Change Log

    Infinite Heaven changelog

    r257 - 2021-08-04
    InfCamHook moved to IHHook r16 installation.

    fix: Custom soldier type RANDOM hanging on load if it chose off-by-1 lowest value.

    fix: MB GameEvents always triggering on any chance but 0 - thanks Adchap for the report

    fix: Sideop remaining active on clear on non Shooting Practice sideops while Shooting Practice Retry enabled - thanks countfuzzball for the report

    "Load emblem","Load emblem from MGS_TPP\\mod\\emblems . After loading emblem you must go to the normal Customize emblem system and OK it for it to reapply it. It will also regenerate it next time game is started."
    "Save emblem","Save emblem to MGS_TPP\\mod\\emblems"

  • Troubleshooting


    Check the FAQ Known Issues document.

    If you have issues with Snakebite try the suggestions on the stickied post on the snakebite nexus posts.

    If you're using IHHook make sure it's updated to a version compatible with the version of IH you're using.

    For other issues, in general when asking for help you want to provide as much information, in as much detail as possible:

    What your were doing leading up to the issue.

    What you expected to happen.

    What happened instead.

    What version of IH you are using.

    If it happened after updating IH, what was the previous version you were using that it worked on.

    What mods you have installed.

    And provide some fil...

  • Features and Options

    Infinite Heaven features

    YouTube playlist demonstrating many features

    All options in Infinite Heaven start set to game defaults and can be adjusted in the Infinite Heaven menus.

    Discrete features

    Disables self on FOB
    FOB mode automatically uses defaults/unmodified, this does not affect saved settings on return.

    Abort to ACC from title continue
    At the title screen hold down ESCAPE for 1.5 seconds, the KJP logo will flash, clicking Continue will load ACC instead of continuing mission.

    Manually trigger Skulls attack on Quarantine platform.
    After you have captured some Skul...

  • FAQ Known issues


    Check the FAQ Known Issues document first.

    If you have issues with Snakebite try the suggestions on the stickied post on the snakebite nexus posts.

    For other issues can you please provide the following files to help me test:

    Your save game that's at the point it's having issues.
    The save files are in:
    <steam path>\userdata\<user id>\311340\remote
    (Default install path of steam is C:\Program Files\Steam)

    Usually TPP_GAME_DATA alone is sufficient.

    Some files from the MGS_TPP game folder (usually in Steam\SteamApps\common):

    snakebite.xml from the MGS_TPP folder.

    The entire MGS_TPP\mod folder.
    Or if that's an is...

  • Installation

    Infinite Heaven installation:

    End/Abort any mission back to ACC before upgrading Infinite Heaven, upgrading a save that's mid-mission is likely to cause issues.

    (Default install path of steam is C:\Program Files\Steam)
    Back up your save files for safety:
    <steam path>\userdata\<user id>\287700 and
    <steam path>\userdata\<user id>\311340

    MGSV uses two save folders
    - 311340 is Ground Zeros steam id, but used by MGSV for save data even if GZ is not installed.
    - 287700 is TPP steam id, most of the files here seem to be just backup, except for TPP_GRAPHICS_CONFIG

    Copy both folders to a safe p...