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About this mod

Infinite Heaven compatible. 4 Versions! Less ammo and suppressor durability to promote weapon variety, tactical use, cqc, and to make a use for supply drops. Reduces support weapons to ~50%. Ammo reduced to ~30% to ~60% depending on many factors. Magazine item from infinite to 10. Water Pistol from infinite to 40. Check mod info for more details.

Permissions and credits
Updated for version
Snakebite version

NasaNhak and Jvarnes for their work on "TPP HARDCORE Mod" that I originally used as inspiration

Make the game HARDER by forcing the player to tactically engage enemies.
Provide a standalone mod for ammo and support weapons for the masochists out there.
Compatibility with Infinite Heaven, so you can use it for enemy prep, parameters, patrols, vehicles, etc. balancing instead of preset bundled mods.
Different balancing approach offered by other ammo mods.
Promote weapon and item variety. It was too easy to clear multiple bases with one weapon and a support weapon or two. Not giving any reason to be tactical.
Promote use of supply drops, cqc, and even osp.
Make getting an alert much more stressful due to not having enough supplies to handle them for very long.

The default version is all of the changes listed here.
The 'Infinite Mags' version has Infinite Empty Magazines like the vanilla game and no other differences.
The 'Infinite Suppressors' version has Infinite Suppressor Durability and no other differences.
The 'Infinite Mags and Suppressors' version has BOTH and no other differences.


There's too many specific changes to detail them all, but here's a rough breakdown.
Decreases support weapon count by ~50% across the board. Doesn't alter FOB only items like the Wormhole Gen.
Decreases ammo for most weapons by ~30% to ~60%.
The rest have either been barely decreased or drastically decreased based on various factors.
This was based on weapon class, level, ammo type, and max ammo.
All calculated individually on a per weapon basis to maintain the best balance I could find.
Some weapon classes and weapons with high max ammo were generally nerfed more.
Empty Magazine item now has 10 uses instead of infinite.
Water Pistol now has 40 shots instead of infinite.
"Items" like noctocyanin, cardboard boxes, etc. are untouched. There is currently no known way to change the counts for these unfortunately.

Balanced suppressors with the new ammo counts.
This means suppressors are easier to break, however they generally last for a higher percentage of the total ammo than vanilla. Mostly the level 2 and 3 suppressors have been decreased.

Pistol and SMG suppressors: LVL1-15 shots to 14. LVL2-30 to 21. LVL3-60 to 31.
Sniper and Assault Rifle suppressors: LVL1-15 to 15. LVL2-30 to 25. LVL3-60 to 40.
Shotgun suppressors: LVL1-15 to 13. LVL2-30 to 20.

These are some of the more important changes I've made in my Infinite Heaven settings to supplement this mod.
Very important one. Increase rewards at your discretion for plants, diamonds, and containers to account for having to call in more supplies.
Increase max and min enemy reinforcement calls a bit to provide the possibility of more reinforcements. With this change you'll have to either handle them quickly, take out call center, retreat from the area, or deal with calling in more supply drops.
Increase enemy prep in whatever ways you want to further necessitate weapon and item variety.
Turn on item drop percentage chance and enable cargo truck items.

There are plenty of other settings that compliment this mod including enemy parameters, patrols, vehicles, helis, etc.
These aren't as important, but I encourage people to experiment with these as well if you like more difficulty.

Quite a bit of testing was done to ensure it was relatively balanced, though there is probably always more balancing to do.
Balance with large mag weapons was difficult, so machine guns and a few others have had their magazine size changed slightly.
That makes it slightly unrealistic, but that wasn't my main goal here.
If you think there are any issues with balancing or find any problems with the mod, feel free to leave a comment about it and I'll look into it.

This doesn't affect save files but it never hurts to backup your saves when using any mod.
This shouldn't result in a ban if used during online FOB gameplay, especially since it only makes things harder. But I assume no responsibility if it does.
I personally only play the Event FOB missions and I've had no issues.
If you're still worried about it, just uninstall before doing FOB missions.

Make sure character is in ACC before installing.
Then just use Snakebite [SBWM] to install/uninstall.