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Top 30 Files in past two weeks:
This mod attempts to make the skies more realistic.
The DLC we never had.
Better Billboards - Complete Version
The complete billboards overhaul! Changes the look of almost all static billboards in Glass.
- 13.6MB
- 517
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3Better Billboards - Complete Version
The complete billboards overhaul! Changes the look of almost all static billboards in Glass.
Allows a higher FOV to be set in the options menu
Upgrades will now cost 0 point !
Removes the white background on the pause menu
Unparalleled freedom within the City of Glass
Disable Runners Flow Color Correction
Prevents the game from becoming more vibrant after filling the focus meter.
- 5KB
- 213
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8Disable Runners Flow Color Correction
Prevents the game from becoming more vibrant after filling the focus meter.
Time of day doesn't pause when Faith isn't moving.
Faster Animations Mod for Mirror's Edge Catalyst
This mod makes animations, that are often used, faster, to make the gameplay more fluent. Does not influence any story missions.
- 60KB
- 409
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10Faster Animations Mod for Mirror's Edge Catalyst
This mod makes animations, that are often used, faster, to make the gameplay more fluent. Does not influence any story missions.
Allows you to use the MAGrope swing and pull-up anywhere.
Changes Faith's customizations to always use the prologue body
Enhances the capabilities of the map camera - even allows using the real city in the map!
- 36KB
- 398
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13Enhances the capabilities of the map camera - even allows using the real city in the map!
Snowfall begins to coat the City of Glass
Allows takedowns in freeroam, Protectors are Sentinels compatibility
Mirrors edge OG main menu theme replacer from first mirrors edge
replaces the main menu theme with the one from the original game
- 9.4MB
- 27
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16Mirrors edge OG main menu theme replacer from first mirrors edge
replaces the main menu theme with the one from the original game
Gives the game a subtle yet massive visual overhaul using reshade!
Skips the startup video
Silences the "Scanning gridPrint" voice line that comes from the security cameras.
Replaces all ToD visual environments with the generic gridnode one.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the ragdolls didn't freeze, or have you ever wondered how far you can take a corpse down an elevator without it freezing mid-ride? Then this mod is for you!Most of the credit goes to TheNollz for letting me know where the values are located.
- 81KB
- 10
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21Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the ragdolls didn't freeze, or have you ever wondered how far you can take a corpse down an elevator without it freezing mid-ride? Then this mod is for you!Most of the credit goes to TheNollz for letting me know where the values are located.
Removes the colorful haze all over the city.
Scales up the background mountains.
Faith Military Blue Camo
Yet Another mod made in the pursuit of wanting to play every game like a cat.
Brings back the nightmare-like falling sound from the original Mirror's Edge. Includes an option for the original death sound too.
- 4.9MB
- 8
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26Brings back the nightmare-like falling sound from the original Mirror's Edge. Includes an option for the original death sound too.
This mod will allow for the third (or first) person takedowns to be more frequent during the various game missions
- 1.5MB
- 347
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27This mod will allow for the third (or first) person takedowns to be more frequent during the various game missions
Tap R to Restart Time Trials and Dashes
Instead of having to hold down the R key to restart time trials, this mod restarts the time trial as soon as you push R.
- 31KB
- 108
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28Tap R to Restart Time Trials and Dashes
Instead of having to hold down the R key to restart time trials, this mod restarts the time trial as soon as you push R.
Mod that removes footprints on walls
Takedowns Always in 1st Person
Makes 3rd person finisher animations play in 1st person instead.
- 331KB
- 196
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30Takedowns Always in 1st Person
Makes 3rd person finisher animations play in 1st person instead.