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About this mod

Contains 2 files one for player (MC) and Mita

I will publish the "mita" version later to fix bugs

Permissions and credits
Mod Installation
1.Install Miside Custom Model Loader 
* For Player (MC)
-> Copy 1.3 Asuka MC.vrmmod to MiSide\BepInEx\plugins\models\player
-> Open up the game, press F1, and select 1.3 Asuka MC.vrmmod from the "Player" drop down menu.
* Mita
-> Copy Asuka Mita.vrmmod to MiSide\BepInEx\plugins\models\crazy_mita
-> Open up the game, press F1, and select Asuka Mita.vrmmod from the "crazy_mita" 
Have fun