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Slain Shadows

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About this mod

New normal mode save game with every seasonal collectible as of game version v0.377

Permissions and credits
This is a new game save in normal mode with all seasonal collectibles in the game as of game version v0.377.

This save has no progress exept what is listed below,
Only 2 days passed in game.
The konig and all items are untouched since the save was created just like a normal new save.
$68 Cash & the Gas can is 77% full but the Generator is empty.

No mods were used to make this save.

The Collectibles List
The Three-Year Annivesary Trophy,
A Gold Wrench,
A Candy Cane,
An Easter Bunny,
A Rose,
The One-Year Anniversary Trophy,
A Snowflake,
A Flag of Canada,
A Flag of Québec,
An Easter Egg Basket,
A Valentine's Day Chocolate Box,
SantaGoat's Mug,
A Christmas Stocking

Extra Tip Thanks to user "leyretony"
If you put the text file named "blopblop.txt" into another save file it will put all collectibles into that save but WILL REMOVE any and all items you already own as this is the file that contains all item info, So by replacing it you will replace all your items,

I only recommend doing this to newly created saves to avoid losing all your items,

Doing this with a new save lets you create your own new save with any name you like while getting all the Collectibles.

Also YES this works for Hard Mode Saves I tested it myself,
Just make sure to put all the parts on the konig first because you WILL lose improtant parts if they are not on the konig,
You will also end up with a second Chainsaw.