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anyone know what mod r457DontSpeak.lua is for, i had to uninstall all my mods from the mod manage due to what at the time i thought was causing troubles with my game but turned out to be just a user error, when i put reframework back in suddenly the game was pulling up an error with this file, the file is located in autorun of reframework in the monsterhunter game files after mods.


  1. keegars
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Think you got it from here! https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/197?tab=files
    1. hyperjohnua
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you know that would make sense, i did have that mode on dd2 thank you very much.
      im just confused how it moved from dd2 over to mh rise