About this mod
Lets you switch action like Dante!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
*English version below
本 mod 可以让你瞬间切换红/蓝书,并可以自定义第三本书并进行切换。
- 先安装 REFramework 再安装本 mod 。
- 在REFramework的UI里修改设置,可设置的参数如下:
- Enabled: 是否启用本 mod 。
- Disable action switch by 'switch skill swap': 是否禁用默认切换方式,快速切换动作仍能使用,只是不再能切书。
- Separate buff and action set: 分开动作和书,用于伏魔耗命等技能。
- Key bindings: 按键设置
- Keyboard/Gamepad switch: 设置在红/蓝之间切换的按键。
- Keyboard/Gamepad red/blue: 设置切为红/蓝书所含动作的按键。
- Keyboard/Gamepad third: 设置切为第三书的按键。
- Third style: 设置第三本书
- Switch skill #: 设置第#个替换技(顺序同游戏内设置)
- Switch skill #: 设置第#个替换技(顺序同游戏内设置)
- Explanation:详细说明(英文)
- 推荐设置:关闭动作快捷栏,像但丁一样用十字键切换风格。
见 `easy_style_switch/state_update_api.lua`
Hugo - 主要开发者。
godoakos - 他开发的 Carve Timer Skip and Fast Return 提供了案件绑定的框架。
GreenComfyTea - 他开发的 MHR Overlay 提供了判断任务状态的方法。
参见 github issues 。
你可以通过开 issue 和 pr 来参与开发。或者发在nexus。
我在 issues 里提了一些想法并希望得到帮助。
This mod enables instant scroll-switch. You can also customize a third scroll and switch to it.
- You need REFramework to run this mod.
- Change settings in script generated UI, the supported settings are:
- Enabled: whether the script functionality is enabled.
- Disable move switch: whether to disable the default move to switch between scrolls. You can still do the move if set to true.
- Separate buff and action set: can be used for skills like 'Dereliction'.
- Key bindings:
- Keyboard/Gamepad switch: set the button to switch between red/blue scrolls.
- Keyboard/Gamepad red/blue: set the button to switch to the red/blue scroll.
- Keyboard/Gamepad third: set the button to switch to the third scroll.
- Third style: set the third scroll
- Switch skill #: set the #-th switch skill (same order as in-game setting).
- Switch skill #: set the #-th switch skill (same order as in-game setting).
- Explanation:more detailed explanation.
- Recommended: disable all action bars and use D-pad to switch styles like Dante.
See `easy_style_switch/state_update_api.lua`.
Hugo - creator of this mod and its main contributor.
godoakos - creator of Carve Timer Skip and Fast Return mod, which provides pattern for key binding.
GreenComfyTea - creator of MHR Overlay mod, which shows how to get quest status.
Known issue
See issues on github.
Feel free to post issues and open prs! You can also post here on nexus.
Looking for help to solve problems posted in issue.