2 items

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Permissions and credits
This mode also applies to multi-play
It applies to everyone who joins your quest
But it doesn't apply if you join another quest
*Applies only if you are a quest host*

(NEW hard mode) remove Anomaly Core at Monster Hunter Rise - Nexus mods and community

(NEW hard mode) confirm Aonmaly Burst at Monster Hunter Rise - Nexus mods and community

bug fix (Aonmaly Burst)

Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos power up
Gore Magala frenzy
Chaotic Gore Magala frenzy 2
I found a bug that mod only applies then
So I made unable release the strong state
also early turns into a strong state

Scorned Magnamalo was found to last only the daemon 1 stage 
So I skipped daemon 1 stage and made him straight into daemon 2 stage


updated it
Integration of two modes