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About this mod

Replaces the Kamura / Lagombi layered armor (FOR MALE and FEMALE) with the Male Anteka Armor from MHF.

If you want to use another armor instead rename the plXXX folder and all the files inside to match the armor you want.


Permissions and credits
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee through a donation.

If you want to commission something you can:

Look for me on Twitter
Send me a DM through NexusMods
Or reach out to me on Discord: asdasdasdasdasd#7462

Thanks to:

Ezekial for his:
- awesome modding video tutorial
- all his help with my questions and weighting explanations

FluffyQuack, Ekey, dtlnor for the RE Tool

本本子, Silvris, Ando, Asterisk, MHVuze, mhrice(wwylele), dtlnor, nfh, NSA Cloud for the mhrisePC.list

NSA Cloud, alphaZomega for the
Blender RE Mesh Noesis Wrapper

alphaZomega for the Noesis RE_MESH Plugin

AsteriskAmpersand for the MHR Tex Chopper and all the job he has done for the MH community

Asia81 for his tool to rip 3DS assets

imthe666st for his arc unpacker tool

dasding for his mhmodtools

Jodo for his mhwtextconverter tool

PredatorCZ for his MT Framework Plugin

Statyk, Silvris, Konchu, Kimchi, Dallagen for all his help with my lots of questions

Darto, Mastew, Bird of Light, Haru for the MHF unpacker.

Monster Hunter World Modding Discord.