About this mod
Replaces the various Nargacuga armors with an anthropomorphic Nargacuga.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

About this mod

Replaces the various Nargacuga armors with an anthropomorphic Nargacuga.
3 armors:
- For Regular Nargacuga, equip full High rank Nargacuga armor set
- For Lucent Nargacuga, equip full Master rank Lucent Nargacuga armor set
- For Green Nargacuga, equip full Master rank Vespoid armor set or Master rank Nargacuga armor set (since Capcom only made the helmet of the layered Master rank Narga set, I had to replace another set to be able to have green narga as a layered armor. Sorry to all vespoid fans...)
- Optionally: The Black Belt Set (available through the addon menu, at the multiplayer palico) can be replaced by a Regular Nargacuga if you install the corresponding optionnal file, to be able to use this mod from the start of the game.
- Physics for the tail
- Moving jaw during dialogues
- Male and female versions
- Model and textures from Monster Hunter World
- The fattest pants of any armor, it's not the tights it's just the armor I swear

Install with Fluffy Manager 5000 or RE Engine Ultimate Mod Manager
- Capcom for making this awesome game.
- Everyone who contributed to the Monster Hunter Rise Modding wiki, and the tools mentioned there.
- IvoryLagiacrus for creating the textures, making the Green narga materials, taking a lot of fantastic pictures!
- Rayquane and FrostDrakeHeart for getting reference pics of green narga