About this mod
Replaces the various Rathalos & Rathian armors with anthropomorphic Rathalos and Rathians.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

About this mod

Replaces the various Rathalos & Rathian armors with anthropomorphic Rathalos and Rathians.
6 armor:
- High Rank Rathalos armor set for Regular Rathalos
- High Rank Rathian armor set for Regular Rathian
- Master Rank Rathalos armor set for Azure Rathalos
- Master Rank Rathian armor set for Pink Rathian
- Silver Rathalos armor set for Silver Rathalos
- Gold Rahian armor set for Gold Rathian
Go to the smith to buy them (either regular or layered armor), then equip them!
- Physics for the tail
- Moving jaw during dialogues
- Both Rathalos and Rathians accessible weither your character is male or female.
- Both regular and layered armor working
- Poison barbs not included
- NOTE: silver and gold raths don't have their glow texture enabled in this mod, as I didn't have any more armors to replace with that version of them.

Install with Fluffy Manager 5000 or RE Engine Ultimate Mod Manager
- Capcom for making this awesome game.
- Everyone who contributed to the Monster Hunter Rise Modding wiki, and the tools mentioned there.
- IvoryLagiacrus for helping with the material, and taking the best pictures of the gallery!