A easy reminder for
This script references other script call methods.
Due to config folder renaming, make sure to put all files into the corresponding folder if
you have downloaded the previous version.
Change log:
v1.0: Added timer at screen center
v2.0: Added control UI and more buff timer/reminder, also support traditional Chinese and English
v2.1: Added more buff, changed config folder path and fix some bug.
v2.2: Added some item buff, fixed timer display bug.
v2.3: Added more item buff and change some descrription.
v2.4: Added skill remind control UI, Integrate dereliction timer/LV, fixed launch game timer doesn't display bug.
v2.4.5: English display text optimization, and support Korean/Japanese, fix some bug
v2.4.6: support Simplified Chinese.
v2.5: add Heaven-Sent and Frenzied Bloodlust
reframework latest version(github).
Reframework Direct2D latest version.
Support buff list
- Furious
- Bloodlust
- Chain Crit (no chat UI, when Timer Enable only)
- Counterstrike
- Coalescence (only have reminder at skill worn off)
- Hellfire (status, not skill)
- Bubble (status, not skill)
- Protective Polish
- Grinder (S)
- Dereliction (no chat UI, when Timer Enable only, will display parasite amount and timer)
- Heroic
- Dragonheart
- WallRun
- Sliding
- Latent Power
- Offensive Guard
- Agitator (chat UI only)
- Demon Powder
- Might Seed
- Hardshell Powder
- Adamant Seed
- Cutterfly
- Immunizer
- Gourmet Fish
- Dash juice
- new Frenzied Bloodlust
- new Heaven-Sent
How to Install:
unzip the file and throw it in MonsterHunterRise folder.
v1ld - English language package translation.
orge44 - Korean language package translation.
Yukachin - Japanese language package translation.
wmty - Simplified Chinese language package translation.
由於更改了設定的檔案夾名稱,如果先前已下載此腳本,請確認是否有將檔案放至正確的資 料夾中
- 激昂
- 狂龍症
- 連擊 (無chatUI,僅顯示Timer)
- 逆襲
- 轉禍為福 (僅在技能結束時觸發提醒)
- 鬼火 (狀態非技能)
- 泡沫 (狀態非技能)
- 剛刃研磨
- 研磨術[銳]
- 伏魔響命 (無chatUI,僅在Timer Enable顯示,顯示目前噬生蟲數量及增加蟲的倒數計時)
- 火場怪力
- 龍氣活化
- 飛簷走壁
- 滑走強化
- 力量解放
- 攻擊守勢
- 挑戰者 (僅有chatUI)
- 鬼人粉塵
- 怪力種子
- 硬化粉塵
- 忍耐種子
- 網切蜻蜓
- 活力劑
- 全熟魚
- 強走藥
- new 天衣無縫
- new 狂龍症【翔】
v1ld - 英文語言包翻譯
orge44 - 韓文語言包翻譯
Yukachin - 日文語言包翻譯
wmty - 簡中語言包翻譯