About this mod
Makes all camp areas safe and optionally increases the base limit.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Monsters should just completely ignore them.
I've now seen some minor issues when going over the size limit. Sometimes, when you're creating a camp on the spot it just doesn't spawn in at all. I'm not sure what the cause is.
My best guess is there's a limited number of unique 'cats' available that spawn and stand next to the tents, and when they are used up, it just bugs out? Still not really sure. To prevent the issue, go to the camp manager cat in the base camp and construct the camps from there. (You have to do that before you run into the issue though.)
The fix for it is to just save and restart. Camps should be spawned in correctly after that.
Installation Instructions
- Install REFramework. (Nightly 1081 or later!)
- Install Fluffy Mod Manager.
- Drag-drop the archive onto the manger's UI.
- Or place the archive into `.....\Fluffy Mod Manager\Games\MonsterHunterWilds\Mods` WITHOUT EXTRACTING!
Uninstallation Instructions
- Remove the files. Turning it off in FMM is usually sufficient.
- Yeah. That's it. I hate that I have to put something this basic here but so many people are failing to remove it and I don't know why.
How to Clean Out All Mods
(For those of you who can't seem to remove it, here's how to remove ALL modes from the game for a clean state.)
- Turn off all mods in whatever manager you're using, if you're using one.
- Delete the `natives` folder from the game directory. (This removes any 'loose' file mods.)
- Remove `reframework\autorun` and `reframework\plugins` from the game dir. (Removes any LUA based and DLL based mods. e.g. the Direct2D plugin.)
- The only thing left in the `reframework` folder should now be `data`, which contains LUA mod settings and sometimes data assets they may use. You can remove it if you want, but it should do fuck all without the corresponding LUA mod it to load it.
- You can also just remove the entire `reframework` folder if you want, there's nothing critical in it.
- Remove all DLL files from the game directory.
- If you want to leave REF enabled, just leave `dinput8.dll` behind.
- If you want to leave REF enabled, just leave `dinput8.dll` behind.
- Delete any patch PAKs numbered after `patch_001` the sequence: `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak` (This is the last vanilla game PAK file.)
- Same for the sub-PAK files: `re_chunk_000.pak.sub_000.pak.patch_001.pak` (This is the last vanilla game PAK file.)
- This removes any PAK based mods.
- Verify game files via Steam. It'll re-download any missing game DLLs and verify the vanilla game PAKs are pristine.
- Now verify again. Yeah, yeah, just do it. If something fails to validate a second time, you've got antivirus or some other security software causing your problems.
- Profit!
- If you still have issues, remove or rename REF's DLL and test.
For the v1.000.XX.XX version of the game on Steam.
REFramework is required to use this!