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Added new integrated notifications that use the games chat system
Removed all "on quest" based logic
Reworked size info making it more compact
Reworked size info making it more compact
Ported monster tracking to MHWilds
Added new integrated notifications that use the games chat system
Removed all "on quest" based logic
Reworked size info making it more compact
Reworked size info making it more compact
Simple REFramework based script to notify you if a there is a chance to obtain a crown in the active quest.
Crown Display/Size Graph
Shows a list of monsters in the current locale and the area they are in. This list can be configured to show all monsters, crowns only, hide already obtained and even show a detailed size graph. Check the mods settings in the Script Generated UI section of REFramework for all possible configurations.
Can trigger notifications when a monster with a crown enters the locale. Now supports in-chat notifications for new monsters that have crowns (you can still enable legacy notifications like they were showing in rise).
Crown Tracker
With the crown tracker you have a easy overview which monster crowns you are missing. You can access the Settings via the reframework script generated ui panel.
Installation: 1. Make sure you have REFramework installed 2. Make sure you have Direct2D for REFramework installed 3. Download the latest release of the mod 4. Move the `reframework` directory into your `...\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterWildse\` directory 5. Start the game
Version Changelog: v0.5.0:
Ported monster tracking to MHWilds
Added new integrated notifications that use the games chat system
Removed all "on quest" based logic
Reworked size info making it more compact
Added area to size info so you can find the right monster easier