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About this mod

A simple executable tool for coloring your scoutflies. Iceborne compatible!

Permissions and credits
This mod allows for easy customization of the colors of your scout flies. The colors for normal monsters and items. elder dragons, tempered monsters, and the startled scoutflies can each be customized independently. Additionally, the opacity can be controlled to make the flies less intense.

Scoutfly colors in the Hoarfrost Reach are colored seaparately. Unfortunately, there is no option for separate elder dragon and tempered monster colors.

Tempered elder dragons use the tempered monster scout fly color. As far as I can tell, there is still no way around this.

Please also note that scout fly visuals on menus and armor can not be changed with this tool.

This mod is not compatible with the gi_param.gip file in  MHVuze's No Scoutflies. Some aspects of the mod, like the sound files, may work however. Any other mods which also edit gi_param.gip are also likely incompatible.

Install Stracker's Loader
Extract nativePC to Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World (IMPORTANT: The old gi_param.gip is not compatible. Please use the included file.)
Extract "Scoutfly Customization Tool.exe" to any convenient location

Open "Scoutfly Customization Tool.exe"
Select Open and navigate to the nativePC/common/guide_insect/gi_param.gip file
Edit colors using the color pickers
Select Save save your changes...
And you're ready to play!