2. lower your graphical settings to increase your fps gain while still maintain a great visual
3. better visual experience, fully optimized for low-to-lowest in-game graphical settings.
4. tested to having minor-to-none perfomance impact (appx 1-2fps cost only)
5. fully lightweight and easy to install
hello fellow (potato) hunters!
ever wondering that the game look so ugly (and even hurt our eyes) compared to the other games when you set your graphical setting to the lowest?
and how you must endure yourself from bleaching out your eyes in the daylight in the middle of Astera just to have that importance FPS boost?
today im gonna share you my custom reshade preset that, i could say, not like the others, its fully optimized for low-to-lowest in-game graphical settings (for those who not have such a beefy pc)
one of the most problematic visual scheme of this game is happened when the daylight occur, especially in the lowest setting and the goal of this mod is to counter and fix that.
its not like we can remove the sun, anyway.
requirement :
1. 4.1.1 reshade exe version or the latest one (make sure you already able to run reshade properly, refer to their site)
2. monster hunter world game (yes, you will definitely, without doubt, need the game if you want to apply this improvement mod)lol)
installation :
0. dont install/use special K mod. its useful for the earlier stage of the game release but now the game has been stable enough to run on its own. reshade will not start if you using special K mod in your game. uninstall them first by deleting all its respective file, refer to the special K mod zip/rar if you dont know what to delete. look up and delete every file & folder listed on its zip/rar in your game directory. try starting your game once to see whether the special K mod still installed or not. if its gone, exit the game. if its still present, double check everything i said before. doing this will increase your game stability and prevent any future error from appearing regarding to this mod.
1. install reshade to your mhw game
1.1 *IMPORTANT* when installing ReShade, if there is an option to download "Technique" make sure you download all of the technique. if you installing ReShade with not downloading the techniques, then there is no technique to apply thus my mod will change nothing.
2. if the game crash upon the starting after installing reshade, go rename "dxgi.dll" in your mhw folder into "d3d11.dll"
3. put the mod file (Low Is The New Ultra.ini) into your monster hunter world game directory.
4. start the game, you will now see reshade banner in the start of your game.
5. press home to promt the reshade window
6. follow and READ a bit about the tutorial the window gave you, there are a part in the tutorial that will show you how to apply the preset
7. after applying the preset, tick the performance mode.
8. press home again to close the reshade window
9. enjoy
10. if the preset goes off as soon as you turn off the reshade window, tick on or toggle the fps/clock/whatever meter on the reshade menu. so your setting will stay, after you close the reshade window, along with that meter.
my native laptop resolution is 1366 x 768 with aspect ratio of 16:9
the screenshot i provide is taken in a 1280 x 720 resolution with ALL in-game graphic option to be set to their lowest/off, beside the AA being FXAA. because i need all the fps & frametime juices i can get.
you can raise the in-game image quality to med/high to get even better visual experience if your pc is strong enough
you can raise the resolution to get even better visual experience if your pc is strong enough
you can raise the texture quality to 512, 1k or FULL if your pc is strong enough
you can toggle foliage sway option to ON to get that sexy looking moving grass haha (lol not recommended for performance wise)
i wouldnt recommend touching another settings beside that
why FXAA instead of OFF/TAA? its because this technique is using FXAA to be working, you can try toggle another in-game AA but from my test and for my mod, FXAA work the best. (performace:visual)
my spec is
i5 7200u
nvidia 940mx
8gb ram
which is below the minimum requirement the game ask.
i am able to run the game at a stable 55-60 fps at training room, 55-60 in special arena, 35-55 at astera & normal hunt. note that your fps will vary depends on what currently going on the screen