MGE XE with ENBpalette

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  1. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 215 kudos
    1 hour tinkering? Heh, I'm sorry astro for the time you wasted (although it probably wasn't totally wasted - you've learned new things). I must say your Morrowind looks like I've never seen it before. It's better than Skyrim Well, this was a long shot, but hell, Morrowind is no old lady, by no means.
    1. astrob0y
      • premium
      • 91 kudos
      Haha, dont be sorry. Before I begun to use mods to these love games I could at most open up zip files. Learning by doing is a great thing.
      Thank you for your kind words, its for sure an old game that still holds the ground against the new games (I played it last time on the first xbox). Art direction at its finest I would say.
  2. Stavroguin
    • member
    • 70 kudos
    Is there any step-by-step instruction on how to get this majestic thing working?
    1. astrob0y
      • premium
      • 91 kudos
      Will write a small guide tomorrow
    2. Stavroguin
      • member
      • 70 kudos
    3. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 103 kudos
      Small guide= awesome!

      Interesting pics, I love the one ddownloaded to the nexus
    4. astrob0y
      • premium
      • 91 kudos
      A short guide (I presume you know how to install MGE XE and other mods)

      1. Download MGE XE 0.910
      2. Install MGE XE beta over the other files
      3. Download XE ENBpalette and install the /data files into your "/morrowind" folder.
      4. Open up MGE XE and enabled shaders.
      5. Go to "Shader setup..."
      6. Go to "Modding"
      7. Open "editor"
      8. double click on "ENBpalette"
      9. Save

      And now its done, dont expect the palette to work good from the start and if you do find a palette that works - please link it to me .
      Oh, if you want to change the palette. Find your favorite ENBpreset and convert that ones palette from .bmp to .tga with