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A sneak peek of Frostwind, a camping survival mod for Morrowind.


  1. Dlichnum
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Ooh! Looks really nice! (You had me at "survival mod", tbh)
    1. Merlord
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Thanks! I'm really excited about this one to be honest. I must have put at least 100 hours into it by now, and it's very nearly done. Here's the features going into the v1.0 release (that I can think of right now):

      * Cold weather mechanics: Time, weather, and region all determine the outside temperature.

      * Keeping warm: Armor, torches, tents, campfires (player placed and vanilla), bedrolls, resist frost spells, racial bonuses etc increase your warmth.

      * Exposure mechanic: The colder you get the more your stats are reduced. Getting wet increases fire resistance and lowers frost resistance, and makes you increase exposure faster. Staying out in the frigid cold for too long can result in death by hypothermia.

      * Crafting items: Make your own tent out of guar/alit/kagouti hides. Make a stone axe to gather firewood and create a campfire to keep warm.

      * Sleeping in a bed or bedroll for 6 hours gives you a "well rested" bonus to max fatigue that lasts throughout the day, incentivising you to maintain a proper sleep schedule (on top of the fact that nights are cold and best slept through in a bedroll).

      * Cook meals at a campfire ( there's 5 or 6 recipes to choose from currently ) to get a "well fed" bonus to max health that lasts throughout the day. Incentivises hunting for food and eating breakfast for extra immersion.

      * Settings menu allows you to toggle automatic condition/exposure updates, turn Forstwind on or off, or disable death by hypothermia.

      * Can catch blight from blight storms. Waiting the storm out in a tent or bedroll will protect you from the blight.
    2. Dlichnum
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Oh, that sounds amazing! So this is a Nom-alternative? Will you be adding food items in, or at least interesting ways to make the food in Morrowind? I've noticed the few times that I've played with nom that there is basically nothing really edible in vanilla Morrowind and it's weird.
    3. Merlord
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      The cooking meals mechanic is nice and simple. No new items, meshes, etc. You just activate your campfire, select a recipe, cook it ( fade out + frying/boiling sound effect + time passes, fade back in ), then eat it straight away ("swallowing" sound effect, ingredients are removed from your inventory, and you get your "well fed" bonus). Simple meals like boiled kwama eggs give well fed bonus a few hours, something more complex like crab soup (crab meat + 4 mushrooms) gives a longer duration.

      So this mod will be compatible with NoM, in that it won't affect the way NoM works. However because you aren't literally eating any food items, cooking a meal at a campfire won't sate your hunger in NoM.

      ...Come to think of it... *if* I can make the player eat an ingredient using the Equip command (not sure if that's possible), I could use that instead of removeItem, and that would cause eating cooked meals to work with NoM. I'll try that out tonight.
    4. Dlichnum
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I see! I hope you do get it to work with NoM then. I'm no good at coding, so I wish you the best of luck in figuring this out!