Follower of the Black Worm

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  1. Zobator
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Hmmm. With some tweaking, this would be a very interesting dress for members of the Tribunal Temple or the Imperial Cult. Other colors (e.g. different color per Divine worshipped by a IC-branch) or necklace might open a lot of perspectives?

    This particular model I'm not sure. It kind of makes me think of the Thieves Guild. Why not give it to members of the Thieves Guild with a magic profile, like Estoril in Ald'Ruhn and Ahnassi in Pelagiad?

    Love the design BTW. Great work!
    1. GVALT
      • premium
      • 184 kudos
      I dislike recoloring assets. I guess it steal diversity instead of adding it. Though this mesh would become base for a few other robes with huge geometry edits and additions.
      Why does it make you think of thieves guild? In my view of Morrowind thieves guild is represented by Jim Stacey, a dandy, not an outlaw brute.
    2. Zobator
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Well, the thieves guild is still a guild of thieves. Not all drugdealers look like Pablo Escobar. That's the same thing IMO.

      The robe doesn't really look that 'brutish' to me to be honest. It looks more like a robe for someone who doesn't want to stand out in the crowd (just like a thief would). That's why it more reminds me of the thieves guild.

      On the other hand, you could always add executioners to various towns with prison cells. Having a guy in these robes with a big axe on a platform smeared with blood and heads...
    3. Lord of the Forsaken
      Lord of the Forsaken
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Out of curiosity, how would you handle Mannimarco's robes?

      Well, Daggerfall Mannimarco, not the elderly Altmer of Oblivion.
  2. Flash3113
    • premium
    • 1,010 kudos
    Amazing. I especially love the hood.