Work in progress - de-outlandered main menu

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The amount of n'wah stuff in the main menu has been bothering me for quite a while.

For now that's just for personal purposes - and it needs a lot of improvement. The worst thing now are color adjustments - there's way too much contrast between the Temple sign and the background, and not enough contrast between the writing and the background; the text should be more visible. However, I'm quite happy with the current progress.


  1. Leyawynn
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    The drop shadow and foreground text also dont look quite right, too cartoony.
    1. RedFurryDemon
      • supporter
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback! The style of the writing is based on OgreOgre's menu replacer (original mod is down), as I've been using it for some time and I quite liked it (aside from outlander content). However, this does not look as good with my current background, so I'll need to find a way around that. The shadow and outline are mainly supposed to help make the title more visible, though the shapes, colors, opacity, and other stuff desperately need major changes and adjustment.
  2. Leyawynn
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Where's the hlaalu and dagoth symbols?
    1. RedFurryDemon
      • supporter
      • 69 kudos
      Hlaalu work with the Empire, and Dagoth are a bunch of mutated morons. Neither deserve to have their crests included here.