Rorick Stats

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Thanks to Archimag's Grip of Death, Rorick can wield this typically 2 handed axe one handed.

He started off with 60 strength at level one. Level 9 here.


  1. Tezrel
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    I wish I could change his class mid-game. I'd take away acrobatics, athletics, sneak, mercantile, and just make him basically a master-at-arms.

    What's actually FUN to level? That's the question you have to ask yourself when making your character.
    1. ActuallyUlysses
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Actually, you can change class mid-game.

      There are two ways to do it. One is via Enchanted Editor by editing custom class (assuming you chose custom class). This one is faster, but you need to know understand how editor work and know skill ids.

      Second is via enableclassmenu command in console. The trick is to change your class, but DON'T open character menu (right-click) after doing it. Just save, exit game, launch game again, load save. This might cause some minor issues (your stats will change or skills will have different valuse), but nothing that can be fixed by using player->set<skill or attribute name> <value 0-100>.

      There is one caveat - you should use enableclassmenu only once per game launch. Otherwise after clicking "ok" or "next", you will not close the class selection menu, but will be moved to birthsign selection, then class review menu etc.

      If you want to change class again, close morrowind, launch it again and use command.

      Anyway, this will not break your game or save, you will be able to complete the game, like I mentioned the only problem might be some altered values of stats.
    2. Tezrel
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Whoa - I had no idea. Thank you! I'll definitely try these out.