Night Falls On Zafirbel

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  1. Oblivionaddicted
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    Nice gallery.
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      Maybe I should upload a couple of lost Oblivion screens found recently in my disk while I still can... or Skyrim's (a lot). Even ESO's, if there exists its category here. But, as always, or at least for a very long time, I hesitated doing so for reason, that I don't wanna be a part of it. Don't get me wrong I loved Oblivion, I started sharing posts since the days I was proactively playing the game. A new world (sharing pictures) to "unleash your creativity", without having to be a pro (or modder). I quit in later OB era when it had become very "popular" on the rise of certain obvious modding "attraction", exactly the same reason I refused to join SK's bandwagon the entire time.

      I more lean to show and share stuff in FNV or MW because I'm proud of being such a fan, of playing them as a hobby letting everyone knows.

      Sorry for random grumbling.
  2. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    never played MM, so I don't know what's going on
    Greats shots, tho
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      You have my thankies.

      Long story short,
      the background is located at Sadrith Mora, a market city of House Telvanni, on a big island in eastern Vvardenfell.
      Sadrith = mushroom, Mora = forest.
      I wanted an initial S as reference(this book) for the title, but I can't. No mushroom in the picture. So I took the regional name Zafirbel.
  3. deleted22930844
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    Nice reference.

    Second screenshot is Firewatch with the new layout ?
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      Glad you got the reference. :D

      It's the same Firewatch from the previous TR release(21.01), just from a different unusual angle I think.
    2. deleted22930844
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      Well, it's a classic in-game Morrowind book, known by all any player who paid a visit to the Creeper I think (any player who like to read book in a game at least)

      It's seen from the north/north-west on your screenshot I think. Anyway, I only know the old Firewatch from the Map1/Map1 or Sacred East release. Haven't explored new Firewatch yet.
    3. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      I am not sure. This "newer" Firewatch here was actually my first impression since I only returned to Morrowind a year ago and had zero TR experience before. I can't wait (not literally) to explore the newest regions added to TR lately, the truth is I haven't even visited 10% of the places of TR(21.01) so I'm not really in a hurry to see whatever hidden deep in the lands further north of Firewatch. I heard the Map 1 release(the first time presented Firewatch) is actually kinda outdated now I'm not surprised 22.11 has again refreshed the surroundings for a great deal.